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See the safest neighborhoods in Denver. How does the adjusted-for-population reported crime rate in each Denver neighborhood rank?

New: Notable crime ranking changes from 2023 to 2024

There were 0 notable ranking changes in major crime categories when comparing the rankings from the year before to 2024. The lower the rank the worse the reported crime is in that neighborhood.

Denver neighborhood crime rate rankings, 2024

The lower the ranking number, the worse the crime rate in that neighborhood. So if, say, Lincoln Park was ranked #1 in business burglaries, that means Lincoln Park has the highest population-adjusted rate of business burglaries out of Denver's 78 neighborhoods.

Note that neighborhoods with fewer residents but higher foot traffic, such as CBD, DIA, Civic Center and Auraria, may be disproportionately represented in the rankings.

Click or tap a table column to sort by that column.

Table: Compare 2024 Denver neighborhood property crime rate rankings

Neighborhood Property crime Residential burglary Business burglary Burglary,
by force
Burglary, unforced Auto theft Arson
Athmar Park 53 57 26 27 62 41 46
Auraria 2 79 16 74 11 4 1
Baker 13 28 9 10 14 13 4
Barnum 58 51 58 50 57 49 8
Barnum West 74 63 64 52 76 58 35
Bear Valley 66 69 37 60 56 57 70
Belcaro 55 59 53 67 55 66 29
Berkeley 41 40 38 58 30 65 54
Capitol Hill 23 11 43 31 26 21 13
CBD 4 35 13 20 7 7 25
Chaffee Park 45 10 51 42 24 29 12
Cheesman Park 31 29 42 41 38 35 28
Cherry Creek 11 27 28 38 22 51 37
City Park 22 42 40 36 52 31 71
City Park West 18 4 19 9 19 19 6
Civic Center 3 2 6 4 1 8 56
Clayton 35 26 29 26 33 50 67
Cole 27 31 36 33 37 20 63
College View / South Platte 29 49 17 16 44 26 9
Congress Park 48 25 72 61 36 64 23
Cory-Merrill 21 12 48 43 21 76 72
Country Club 61 41 49 45 40 78 55
DIA 1 1 1 1 2 1 2
East Colfax 34 9 60 32 23 18 57
Elyria-Swansea 20 45 7 8 20 16 39
Five Points 10 7 18 12 6 10 30
Fort Logan 77 71 63 71 59 75 59
Gateway / Green Valley Ranch 64 62 76 76 60 33 42
Globeville 14 34 3 6 12 2 10
Goldsmith 28 37 20 21 42 22 69
Hale 33 22 27 23 32 39 38
Hampden 47 55 52 53 58 23 36
Hampden South 42 60 56 57 63 32 44
Harvey Park 75 72 54 62 72 73 51
Harvey Park South 59 65 47 49 70 55 50
Highland 19 17 23 28 16 25 20
Hilltop 62 46 74 72 41 70 48
Indian Creek 78 77 70 66 79 74 78
Jefferson Park 9 6 61 29 15 6 74
Kennedy 54 33 66 47 46 24 79
Lincoln Park 6 5 5 5 3 3 19
Lowry Field 32 58 35 51 54 45 62
Mar Lee 72 76 65 70 75 46 52
Marston 73 74 44 54 74 72 76
Montbello 67 70 67 69 69 42 47
Montclair 25 18 12 13 9 63 33
North Capitol Hill 15 8 25 15 13 15 5
North Park Hill 76 61 78 78 64 68 22
Northeast Park Hill 24 36 10 11 27 17 14
Overland 12 32 4 3 31 9 7
Platt Park 38 30 30 46 18 53 16
Regis 49 24 41 25 51 52 27
Rosedale 52 53 55 40 77 38 15
Ruby Hill 70 67 45 48 71 47 65
Skyland 68 44 75 73 45 71 66
Sloan Lake 39 23 73 68 29 43 45
South Park Hill 65 13 57 30 39 69 73
Southmoor Park 43 66 34 39 73 40 61
Speer 26 16 24 17 34 37 17
Central Park 5 15 15 22 5 11 32
Sun Valley 7 52 2 2 10 5 3
Sunnyside 40 21 33 37 28 36 21
Union Station 8 39 11 19 8 14 31
University 57 64 62 65 66 61 58
University Hills 17 56 14 14 53 60 34
University Park 51 38 69 55 43 59 53
Valverde 30 48 8 7 47 27 24
Villa Park 44 50 21 24 48 28 11
Virginia Village 50 75 39 64 65 56 64
Washington Park 60 20 59 59 25 77 43
Washington Park West 37 19 46 44 35 54 68
Washington Virginia Vale 46 47 31 34 49 30 41
Wellshire 79 78 77 79 78 79 77
West Colfax 16 3 22 18 4 12 18
West Highland 36 14 32 35 17 48 49
Westwood 71 68 50 56 68 44 26
Whittier 69 43 79 75 50 62 60
Windsor 56 54 68 63 61 34 40

Table: Compare 2024 Denver neighborhood violent crime rate rankings

Neighborhood Violent
Robbery Aggravated
Athmar Park 28 28 57 38 27
Auraria 9 3 9 14 9
Baker 18 29 22 18 18
Barnum 25 27 33 37 25
Barnum West 52 53 59 63 44
Bear Valley 55 40 77 60 43
Belcaro 65 64 69 69 57
Berkeley 66 68 75 41 68
Capitol Hill 21 30 19 17 26
CBD 4 5 5 3 5
Chaffee Park 42 38 48 27 45
Cheesman Park 43 62 42 20 55
Cherry Creek 33 45 73 13 51
City Park 36 65 27 51 33
City Park West 8 4 16 16 8
Civic Center 1 2 2 4 1
Clayton 27 15 50 50 22
Cole 19 20 24 19 17
College View / South Platte 22 24 52 23 19
Congress Park 61 47 40 61 60
Cory-Merrill 69 54 70 30 77
Country Club 77 78 62 79 76
DIA 2 1 1 1 2
East Colfax 12 12 20 8 13
Elyria-Swansea 15 13 17 28 12
Five Points 7 6 7 7 6
Fort Logan 71 56 66 78 66
Gateway / Green Valley Ranch 38 33 32 42 35
Globeville 11 9 14 24 10
Goldsmith 17 16 12 22 20
Hale 45 32 63 46 41
Hampden 40 23 34 39 37
Hampden South 51 43 54 48 50
Harvey Park 48 67 49 47 47
Harvey Park South 44 51 51 53 36
Highland 41 57 38 26 48
Hilltop 76 59 67 77 75
Indian Creek 79 77 79 75 79
Jefferson Park 14 26 10 15 15
Kennedy 29 18 21 34 32
Lincoln Park 6 7 4 5 7
Lowry Field 47 42 41 40 46
Mar Lee 50 44 68 58 42
Marston 74 69 65 70 74
Montbello 39 50 56 36 34
Montclair 32 72 29 12 58
North Capitol Hill 10 8 8 10 11
North Park Hill 70 73 71 74 63
Northeast Park Hill 16 21 11 21 16
Overland 26 25 15 65 28
Platt Park 73 71 72 67 72
Regis 60 58 26 62 61
Rosedale 49 66 13 57 67
Ruby Hill 31 31 35 56 29
Skyland 59 55 39 72 52
Sloan Lake 53 48 55 52 53
South Park Hill 64 76 76 44 64
Southmoor Park 57 37 25 55 62
Speer 58 49 46 59 56
Central Park 20 35 23 11 24
Sun Valley 3 10 3 2 3
Sunnyside 34 46 28 29 40
Union Station 5 14 6 6 4
University 67 63 44 54 70
University Hills 54 60 47 33 59
University Park 68 61 43 64 69
Valverde 23 11 45 25 21
Villa Park 37 34 60 43 31
Virginia Village 62 41 58 68 54
Washington Park 72 70 53 66 73
Washington Park West 75 75 74 76 71
Washington Virginia Vale 30 19 30 32 30
Wellshire 78 79 64 73 78
West Colfax 13 17 18 9 14
West Highland 63 74 61 45 65
Westwood 24 22 36 31 23
Whittier 46 39 37 71 39
Windsor 35 36 31 35 38

Featured: Denver's big-picture crime trends map.

Denver crime maps

Denver crime trends map

The crimes trends map shows the change in crime counts and rates on a monthly and year-to-date basis.

Denver crime trends map

The Denver-city recent crime map

The recent crimes map shows where crimes across the city were reported in the last two or so months, and shows which addresses across the city have logged the most reported crimes.

Denver’s recent crime map

All city crime maps

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Denver crime map