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Washington Virginia Vale, Denver, crime stats, charts, data, map and analysis for 2025. Last updated Thursday February 13th.

Washington Virginia Vale violent crimes are up in the past 30 days (9) compared with the 30 days before that (7), and are down since the start of 2025 when compared to the same time period in 2024.

Recent crime ranking changes in Washington Virginia Vale

There were eight notable ranking changes in these crime categories when comparing the current rankings to the rankings four weeks ago. This list updates Mondays. The lower the rank the worse the reported crime is in Washington Virginia Vale.

Year over year, 2025 vs. 2024

See how crime in Washington Virginia Vale is going compared to the same period of time in 2024.

Crime type comparison, 2025,
Washington Virginia Vale vs. Denver

See how the proportion of crimes in Washington Virginia Vale compares with the city.

Washington Virginia Vale crimes

Denver crimes

New: The George Washington High School crime report.

New Washington Virginia Vale crimes reported since the last site update

    Wednesday Jan. 1, 2020

  • Unlawful sexual contact, 11:36 PM, no address given.
  • Monday Jan. 1, 2024

  • Serious assault - domestic violence, 2:00 AM, no address given.
  • Sunday Jan. 10, 2021

  • Serious assault - domestic violence, 6:30 AM, no address given.
  • Monday Jan. 10, 2022

  • Criminal mischief to a motor vehicle, 4:33 PM, at 755 S Dexter St.
  • Wednesday Jan. 10, 2024

  • Assault causing minor bodily injury - domestic violence, 7:30 PM, no address given.

Washington Virginia Vale in the news

Man arrested in Denver shooting near Quebec Street that injured 4
Published November 18, 2024
Woman dies after Saturday shooting in east Denver
Published June 30, 2024
George Washington High School dean injured by student after off-campus fight in Denver
Published February 8, 2024

The past 30 days in Washington Virginia Vale crime

  • There were 9 reported incidents of violent crime in the past 30 days. That's more than the 7 30 days before that and more than the monthly average in the last 12 months of 7.4 per month in Washington Virginia Vale.
  • Domestic violence: 3 incidents the past 30 days, 10 the 30 days before that. The 12-month monthly average is 5.2.
  • Sex assault: No incidents the past 30 days, 0 the 30 days before that. The 12-month monthly average is 0.7.
  • Robbery: 2 incidents the past 30 days, 2 the 30 days before that. The 12-month monthly average is 1.6.
  • Burglary: 4 incidents the past 30 days, 8 the 30 days before that. The 12-month monthly average is 7.3.
  • Property crimes: 27 incidents the past 30 days, 31 the 30 days before that. The 12-month monthly average is 34.8.
  • Car thefts: 10 incidents the past 30 days, 13 the 30 days before that. The 12-month monthly average is 10.8.
  • Bike thefts: 1 incident the past 30 days, 2 the 30 days before that. The 12-month monthly average is 1.4.

Compare Washington Virginia Vale to its neighbors

See how Washington Virginia Vale's reported crime rate compares with the neighborhoods it borders (Windsor, Virginia Village, Lowry Field, Hilltop, Indian Creek).

Washington Virginia Vale addresses with the most reported crime

These are the top Washington Virginia Vale addresses in Denver that have had the most crime reports this year.

  1. 1200 S Oneida St: 6
  2. 840 S Oneida St: 5
  3. 888 S Oneida St: 5
  4. No address given: 5
  5. 5250 E Cherry Creek S Dr: 4

Latest notable crimes in Washington Virginia Vale

A Washington Virginia Vale crime map and recent crime listing for homicides, serious assaults, burglaries and robberies.

Washington Virginia Vale crime map

Reported assaults, by time of day

What time do most reported assaults in Washington Virginia Vale happen?

Reported burglaries, by time of day

What time do most reported burglaries in Washington Virginia Vale happen?

Reported robberies, by time of day

What time do most reported robberies in Washington Virginia Vale happen?

Reported sexual assaults, by time of day

What time do most reported sexual assaults in Washington Virginia Vale happen?

Latest homicides in Washington Virginia Vale

Latest serious assaults in Washington Virginia Vale

Latest robberies in Washington Virginia Vale

Latest burglaries in Washington Virginia Vale

  • Burglary of a business with forced entry, Saturday Feb 1, 5:15 PM, at 7201 Leetsdale Dr.
  • Burglary of a residence with forced entry, Thursday Jan. 23, 7:00 AM, at 672 S Pontiac St.
  • Burglary of a residence with forced entry, Sunday Jan. 12, 6:52 PM, at 1250 S Monaco St.
  • Burglary of a residence with forced entry, Friday Jan. 10, 12:30 AM, at 4800 E Cherry Creek S Dr.
  • Burglary of a residence without forced entry, Wednesday Jan. 8, 6:00 AM, at 930 S Krameria St.
  • Burglary of a business with forced entry, Monday Jan. 6, 7:15 PM, at 6603 Leetsdale Dr.
  • Burglary of a business with forced entry, Sunday Jan. 5, 12:00 PM, at 5411 Leetsdale Dr.
  • Burglary of a business with forced entry, Wednesday Jan. 1, 8:00 PM, at 7150 Leetsdale Dr.
  • Burglary of a business with forced entry, Wednesday Dec. 25, 10:00 AM, at 715 S Forest St.
  • Burglary of a business with forced entry, Monday Dec. 23, 11:20 PM, at 1010 S Oneida St.

New: Property crime per neighborhood compared, 2024 vs. 2023.

Crime in Washington Virginia Vale, by day of the week

Washington Virginia Vale property crimes, by day

The day of the week reported property crimes in Washington Virginia Vale happen.

Washington Virginia Vale violent crimes, by day

The day of the week reported violent crimes in Washington Virginia Vale happen.

Monthly crimes in Washington Virginia Vale

Monthly violent crime in Washington Virginia Vale

In the last 48 months, the average number of crimes in a month was 8.4 and the median was 8.0. The most in any month was 22, in November 2023, and the least was one in February 2025.

Monthly property crime in Washington Virginia Vale

In the last 48 months, the average number of crimes in a month was 53.0 and the median was 52.0. The most in any month was 82, in October 2023, and the least was two in February 2025.

So far this year, Washington Virginia Vale ranks in reported crime rates:

Rankings range from 1st (worst) to 78th (best).

  • 31st (out of Denver's 78 neighborhoods) in violent crimes per 1,000 residents (down from 19th last year. 0.58 violent crimes per 1,000 residents this year, 1.01 up until this point last year)
  • 47th in population-adjusted property crimes (up from 58th in 2024. 2.1 property crimes per 1,000 residents in 2025, 2.24 in 2024)
  • 51st in population-adjusted sexual assaults (down from 21st in 2024. 0.0 sexual assaults per 1,000 residents in 2025, 0.07 in 2024)
  • 28th in population-adjusted domestic violence crimes (up from 30th in 2024. 0.29 domestic violence crimes per 1,000 residents in 2025, 0.22 in 2024)
  • 31st in population-adjusted robberies (down from 8th in 2024. 0.14 robberies per 1,000 residents in 2025, 0.36 in 2024)
  • 30th in population-adjusted burglaries (up from 67th in 2024. 0.51 burglaries per 1,000 residents in 2025, 0.14 in 2024)
  • 46th in population-adjusted car thefts (down from 37th in 2024. 0.58 car thefts per 1,000 residents in 2025, 0.94 in 2024)
  • 25th in population-adjusted bike thefts (up from 59th in 2024. 0.07 bike thefts per 1,000 residents in 2025, 0.0 in 2024)
  • 14th in population-adjusted drug crimes (up from 64th in 2024. 0.87 drug crimes per 1,000 residents in 2025, 0.0 in 2024)

Compare Washington Virginia Vale crime rate rankings in recent years

The lower the rank, the worse Washington Virginia Vale's crime rate. There are 78 Denver neighborhoods, so the rankings are out of 78.

A table comparing Washington Virginia Vale violent crime rates

Shown here are the population-adjusted crime rates for Washington Virginia Vale.

Year Violent crime Domestic
Sexual assault Robbery Aggravated
2023 27th 17 33 22 27
2022 43rd 25 34 46 41

A table comparing Washington Virginia Vale property crime rates

Year Property
Auto theft Bicycle theft Arson
2023 36th 22 44 36
2022 47th 37 73 21

A table comparing Washington Virginia Vale burglary crime rates

Year Residential
forced entry
2023 52 38 33 58
2022 60 35 40 67

See the full year-by-year rankings for Washington Virginia Vale.

More: Compare crime rate rankings across all 78 Denver neighborhoods.

Featured: The 16th Street Mall crime report.

Denver crime maps

Denver crime trends map

The crimes trends map shows the change in crime counts and rates on a monthly and year-to-date basis.

Denver crime trends map

The Denver-city recent crime map

The recent crimes map shows where crimes across the city were reported in the last two or so months, and shows which addresses across the city have logged the most reported crimes.

Denver’s recent crime map

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Denver crime map