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Denver neighborhood crime reports

Denver Crimes publishes neighborhood crime reports for each of Denver’s 78 neighborhoods, including charts, analysis and maps.

Find the crime report for your particular neighborhood (as defined by the City of Denver).

Featured: Compare neighborhood crime rate rankings across all of Denver.

Denver neighborhood crime news

Year-end review: Denver neighborhood property crime in 2024, compared with 2023
Published February 10
Auraria, Baker, Barnum West, Capitol Hill, CBD, Cherry Creek, Civic Center, Clayton, DIA, Five Points, Fort Logan, Harvey Park, Harvey Park South, Indian Creek, Jefferson Park, Kennedy, Lincoln Park, Mar Lee, Marston, Montclair, North Park Hill, Ruby Hill, South Park Hill, Central Park, Sun Valley, Union Station, University Hills, Wellshire, Westwood
Roundup: Denver neighborhood violent crime in 2024, compared with 2023
Published February 10
Civic Center, DIA, Sun Valley, Capitol Hill, Union Station, Auraria, Platt Park, Hilltop, Indian Creek, Washington Park, Country Club, Wellshire, Lincoln Park, West Highland, Cole, Skyland, Washington Park West, Southmoor Park, Regis, University Hills
Pedestrian killed Thursday night while crossing street in Denver’s Harvey Park
Published February 7
Harvey Park
Combative man restrained by passengers after punching window on flight from Denver to Houston
Published February 7
Man convicted of murder in Denver shooting death of beloved East Colfax resident Ma Kaing
Published February 6
East Colfax
1 injured in crash involving Denver police officer
Published February 2
1 dead, 3 injured in Denver crash near DIA
Published February 2
1 hospitalized, 1 in custody after shooting at Denverxe2x80x99s Washington Park
Published February 2
Washington Park
Denver man pleads guilty to murder in 2017 fatal shooting
Published January 31
Athmar Park
Denver police search for carjacking, hit-and-run suspect in Wednesday crash
Published January 30
Gateway / Green Valley Ranch
Denver hit-and-run crash sends pedestrian to hospital
Published January 29
Gateway / Green Valley Ranch
18-year-old arrested on suspicion of murder in Denver shooting
Published January 28
Mar Lee
Man, 19, arrested on suspicion of murder in Denver 7-Eleven shooting
Published January 27
16th Street Mall stabbing suspect's path marked by mental illness, homelessness, drug use
Published January 26
Suspect wanted in 2022 homicide in Denver's Montclair neighborhood
Published January 25

Denver neighborhood map

Mouse over or tap a neighborhood to see its name.

Updated: Colorado state crime rate charts.

Denver crime maps

Denver crime trends map

The crimes trends map shows the change in crime counts and rates on a monthly and year-to-date basis.

Denver crime trends map

The Denver-city recent crime map

The recent crimes map shows where crimes across the city were reported in the last two or so months, and shows which addresses across the city have logged the most reported crimes.

Denver’s recent crime map

All city crime maps

Choose from neighborhood and crime-specific crime maps.

Denver crime map