Denver Crimes almost always updates its Denver crime data on Mondays and Thursdays. This is the page of site news and corrections.
2025 Updates
March 17 Small fixes around the site, also, the Denver neighborhood crime ranking comparison section is back updating again.
Feb. 3 The charts comparing Colorado's crime rates to the country's are updated with the latest data.
2024 Updates
Oct. 14 Thanks to the City of Denver, sexual assaults and rapes are once again updating. Also, the rest of the crimes are updating like usual.
Oct. 10 Reports of sexual assaults and rapes are stalled at mid-September until the City of Denver starts publishing updates to this data again. Also, no new crimes at all have been reported since Monday Oct. 7.
Sept. 23 Data for 2024’s sexual assaults and rapes is back through to mid-September, though continued updates to this data is tentative.
Sept. 2 A new chart: Compare Denver’s crime rate against the nation’s.
August 26: Correction Due to a programmer error, monthly charts were showing incorrect, larger crime totals in Januaries and Februaries for many neighborhoods and crime types. This is now fixed.
Also, all monthly charts now have additional data and context added to help understand the charts better.
August 22: After multiple changes to the date format in the Denver Police Department spreadsheet of reported crimes there had been some lingering site data issues, those are now fixed.
August 6: The monthly crime chart issue is fixed.
August 5: Certain monthly crime charts are broken and not displaying, this will be fixed.
July 8: No new crimes in the Denver Police Department spreadsheet.
July 4: Sexual assault and rape reports are paused until the City of Denver begins publishing that data again, which they have said they're going to do.
July 1: The Denver Police Department has stopped including sexual assault and rape reports in its spreadsheet of reported crime. When more is learned about this it will be noted here, until then those pages will not be updated.
June 27: The bug that was breaking this crime trends map is fixed.
2023 Updates
August 17: New on Denver Crimes: More crime reports for particular places in Denver. Denver Crimes is highlighting reported crime at certain Denver schools, such as North High School, Lincoln High School and Kepner Beacon Middle School.
August 14: New on Denver Crimes: More crime reports for particular places in Denver, this time for all the DIA parking lots, including the notorious DIA West garages.
July 31: New on Denver Crimes: Crime reports for particular streets in Denver, such as Colfax Avenue crime and crime on the 16th Street Mall. More on these to come.
July 10: New on Denver Crimes: There are monthly crime report recaps for each neighborhood now. These include a map of the notable crimes, analysis, news (when there’s news), neighbor comparisons and ranking changes. Example: The Central Park June 2023 crime report. Find these reports in the By Date section of every neighborhood.
Also new: Each neighborhood now has a page dedicated to its crime rate rankings. See how the adjusted-for-population rank of that neighborhood has changed. Example: Congress Park Denver’s crime rate rankings.
July 3: New on Denver Crimes: Each crime report now lists the notable changes in rankings in the past month or so. Example: The recent changes in domestic violence rankings.
June 29: New on Denver Crimes: The indecent exposure crime report.
June 26: New on Denver Crimes: Each crime report now has per-month listings of crimes. You can find the monthly crime listings on the crime reports’ by-date index. Example: White collar crime reports, by date, or, white-collar crime in May 2023.
Also, the neighborhood crime ranking comparison now includes notable crime ranking changes. Neighborhood pages now include ranking changes. Example: Athmar Park crime ranking changes.
Also, there's a page with information on Colorado and Denver crime data.
June 19: New on Denver Crimes: The Denver prostitution crime report and the public fighting report.
June 12: New on Denver Crimes: A couple of charts showing Colorado’s crime rate since 1985.
June 5: New on Denver Crimes is a filterable list of all the newest crimes added to the site. You can filter by crime type, and also, see the older crimes that have been recently reported.
April 10: We're publishing big-picture city-wide crime reports for each month. See the March 2023 Denver crime report. Also, the Denver crime rate data and display have been improved.
April 3: We're indexing the addresses in the City of Denver with the most reported crime.
March 20: Each neighborhood crime report has its own charts showing the frequency of violent and property crimes by the day of the week. Example: Cheesman Park crimes, by weekday.
Jan. 30: This site will move to a new domain this week. The content will remain the same.
2022 Updates
Sept. 22: New: The Denver crime trends map now also shows year over year crime trends.
Sept. 19: New on Denver Crimes: The Denver crime trends map. See the change in per-neighborhood crime counts and rates between the previous 30 days and the 30 days before that.
Sept. 5: Correction The script calculating the total number of crimes on each of the crime pages was publishing incorrect, higher totals. This means the sentence that read "Denver has had xxxx violent crimes reported so far this year, an average of yyyy per month / zz per day." were showing the wrong numbers. The error has been fixed.
2021 Updates
Dec. 23: No new crimes have been added to the City of Denver crime spreadsheet, crime site updates will be paused until reporting begins again.
Dec. 8: The technical issue is resolved and updates back to normal.
Oct. 24: Crime data updates have been paused due to a technical issue with the data in the City of Denver crime spreadsheet.
Sept. 13: There’s a new crime report on Denver Crimes: The weapon crimes report, which publishes stats on all weapon-related crime in Denver.
August 5: New type of crime on Denver Crimes: The armed carjacking report.
July 26: New on Denver Crimes: The Denver city recent crimes map. See where crimes across the city were reported in the last two or so months, and see which addresses across the city have logged the most reported crimes.
March 11: New on the neighborhood crime maps: See all the recent crimes at a particular address.
We call this address permalinking, and it lets you see more of what’s going on on your neighborhood.
Example: See all the crimes reported at the downtown Van Cise-Simonet Detention Center. With this on each map page comes a list of the addresses ranked by the number of reported crimes. Find your neighborhood's crime map here.
March 1: The Denver neighborhood crime maps are now filterable so you can view crimes in the last month or the last three months. Find your neighborhood's crime map here.
Feb. 22: Each neighborhood's crime map now has a bar chart of crime frequency that comes with it. Find your neighborhood's crime map here.
Feb. 15: The Denver Police Department's spreadsheet of reported crimes has not reported any new crimes since Jan. 15.
Jan. 31: After a months-long hiatus from updates, Denver Crimes is back. We will again be updating twice a week (Mondays and Thursdays). The crime map page is broken for now, we're working on that. In the meantime you can see neighborhood-specific crime maps from each neighborhood's section. Example: The Central Park neighborhood crime map.
2020 Updates
Jan. 6: The Denver Police Department's spreadsheet of reported crimes is updating again, after a six-week hiatus.
2019 Updates
Feb. 18: Each neighborhood now has its own customizable crime map. See the downtown Denver crime map here.
2018 Updates
December 31: The Denver reported-crime data source is updating again.
December 17: The Denver Police Department spreadsheet hasn't updated since Friday Dec. 7.
July 2: Starting today, the site will get its major data update on Mondays and minor data update Thursdays. This reverses the previous major Thursdays and minor Mondays.
June 7: The Denver crime database is updating again. Also, the form that tells you which Denver neighborhood you live in is temporarily broken.
June 4: The Denver Police Department reported crimes list has been stagnant since last week, so no new updates of the Denver crime data.
May 14: The database of reported crimes is back updating again.
April 26: Since Monday there have been no updates in the Denver Police Department’s spreadsheet of reported crimes in Denver.
April 12: The site’s Denver crime data is back updating again.
April 2: Due to no updates to the Denver Police Department spreadsheet of reported crimes, the site’s Denver crime data has not been updated since March 26.
February 26: The Denver Homicide Report is back!
January 18: This site will not be a part of the Denver Post's paywall, also, is up on https now.
2017 Updates
December 21: The Denver Police Department reported crime data is updating again.
December 18: The Denver Police Department spreadsheet hasn't been updated for more than a week, which means Thursday December 14th's crime data update was the last crime data update we published. Our Denver crime news index is updated as usual.
September 14: Update on the Denver high-crime address lists: Traffic crimes in each neighborhood now have a page all to themselves. Find your neighborhood's high traffic-crime list here.
September 11: Update on the Denver high-crime address lists: Traffic accidents are now separated out from the crime rankings.
September 4: Each Denver neighborhood now has a list of the addresses and cross-streets with the most reported incidents. See a full list of neighborhoods with direct links to the high-crime lists, or check out the list of the downtown Denver addresses with the most reported crime.
August 28: The Denver crime news section now has sub-sections, which lead you to Denver crime news by neighborhood, Denver crime news by type of crime, and crime news by year. See a full list of our neighborhood best-and-worsts here on our crimes newsletter.
August 24: New: Each crime type report now has a separate page listing the best and worst neighborhoods for that crime in Denver. Example: Denver's best and worst neighborhoods for residential burglaries.
August 17: Introduced a separate page for each crime type that lists the previous 12 months of reported crimes in that category (example: recent Denver DUIs), and removed that same information from each crime page as part of an effort to clean up the crime pages.
August 14: Fixed a bug that broke a portion of the functionality on the specific-crime maps.
August 7: Made some performance improvements to the site, also, started publishing an archive of the weekly (Thursday) email newsletter.
July 23: All the lists are now ordered by date correctly. Also, some of the news links lists were getting long so now each Denver crime report and each Denver neighborhood crime report now have sub-pages with as much news as is indexed for the section.
July 10: Lists of recent crimes are not entirely ordered by date, which has been an issue since June 26, one of the last remaining issues tied to the spreadsheet changing its date format. It will be fixed. Also, timing on the Denver crime map updates have been improved so the map checks for new crimes eight times a day, instead of the previous two.
July 3: Correction Due to an programmer error, timestamps on crimes committed on and after 12 p.m. were incorrectly declared "a.m." instead of "p.m.". This issue started June 26, and is now fixed. Also, no new crime reports from the Denver Police Department, the crime data on the site is current through to June 26.
June 26: Great news: The Denver crime map's fixed and updating again. Also, the Denver Police Department's spreadsheet of reported crime is current through to June 21.
June 22: The Denver Police Department's crime report has not updated since June 16th. A request is in with them to update the data.
On the 16th the format of the datestamps on spreadsheet changed, which broke a lot of things. The Denver crime map is still broken, but the rest of the site is fixed.
June 19: The Denver Police Department's crime reports didn't have any new crimes in them from June 5th to the 15th.
June 1: New: Denver's white collar crime report.
Good news: The Denver Police Department's reported crimes data is updating again.
May 22: No new crime report data since May 16 from the Denver Police Department, so no data updates for now.
May 11: Two things: The DPD's crime data is updating again, and there's a new crime report: the gunshots in Denver crime report.
May 8: The Denver Police Department hasn't added any new crime reports since April 26, so no data updates for now. In the meantime, the zoom controls are back on the maps on the neighborhood report (example: see it on the Stapleton crime report).
April 17: New: An index of recent Denver-specific crime news articles, organized by date. always have the most recent crime news, as usual. You'll also see news links added to other places of the site, such as the neighborhood and crime reports.
April 13: New: Don't know the neighborhood of a particular address? Use the new address-to-neighborhood lookup and find out.
April 6: New: The monthly email newsletter update, it would be great if you signed up for it.
March 23: Neighborhood population totals, used to calculate per-capita crime rates, now align with the U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey's most-recent five-year population estimate, which means the per-capita numbers will change some and be more accurate now. This may result in small shifts in neighborhood crime rates and crime rate rankings. You can find the new per-capita crime rate data on any of the crime reports, any of the neighborhood crime reports, and the any of the neighborhood crime rate rank comparison tables.
Also, the 16th Street Mall crime report is fixed (the charts had been busted).
March 20: Correction Due to programmer error, Denver neighborhood crime rankings for previous years were incorrect. This has been fixed site-wide, with an improvement:
Now the neighborhood report includes five years of crime rate rankings instead of three, and reports on 13 crimes instead of six.
Here's an example of that, from Union Station / Lodo's crime rate comparison: .
Also new: four years of crime rate comparisons, instead of the previous two.
March 9:
- New: Compare more crime rate rankings on the overhauled Denver neighborhood crime rate comparison tables.
- Also new: Instead of charting the previous two years of crime, now there are four years of crime data charted on the month-by-month crime report charts
March 6: The new crime sparkline graphics deliver four years of crime counts in one tiny image. See the crime sparklines on the Denver crime list. Each tick mark is one month of crimes. Tick marks are colored green when there's more than a 20 percent drop in crimes from one month to the next, and tick marks are red when there's more than a 20 percent increase in reported crimes from one month to the next.
Feb. 27: New: Sign up for our upcoming per-neighborhood weekly crime email updates. The signup form is linked to from each neighborhood page. Find your neighborhood here.
Feb. 23: The 2017 neighborhood crime rank comparison table is live, 2016's comparison table is archived, and 2015's comparison table is new, online, and available for checking out. Also, made some some minor cosmetic improvements to the title text on the site.
Feb. 20: The 2016 year-end reports for each Denver neighborhood are live. For example, you can see the Country Club 2016 year-end report here. To find your neighborhood's report, go to your neighborhood report page, choose the "by date" submenu, then choose "2016" on the next page.
Feb. 9: The DPD's crime spreadsheet is updating again.
Feb. 6: The Denver Police Department's spreadsheet of reported crimes has not been udpated since Friday Jan. 27, so no new crime data updates today.
Jan. 26: The crime report is back updating again.
Jan. 12, 16, 19: Due to that server error on the Denver Police Department's crime data file, no new updates today.
Jan. 9: Due to a server error on the Denver Police Department's crime data file, no new updates today.
Jan. 5: New: You can compare a particular neighborhood's crime rank over the previous few years now. See it in action on the Athmar Park crime report.
2016 Updates
Dec. 26: New: The Valverde neighborhood crime report.
Dec. 22: New: The Globeville and Mar Lee neighborhood crime reports.
Dec. 19: New: The College View / South Platte and Kennedy neighborhood crime reports.
Dec. 15: New: The Overland, Jefferson Park and Goldsmith neighborhood crime reports.
Dec. 9: The Denver Police Department's spreadsheet of reported crimes has not been updated since Monday Dec. 4, so no new updates on the site.
Dec. 1:
- Launched the Skyland crime and the Fort Logan crime reports.
- Added a new email alert: Get an email on Mondays when the crime data gets updated.
Nov. 24: Launched the Elyria-Swansea crime and the Windsor crime reports.
Nov. 17: Launched the Harvey Park crime and the Bear Valley crime reports.
Nov. 14: Launched the Berkeley crime and the Chaffee Park crime reports.
Nov. 3:
- Launched Sun Valley crime and Rosedale crime reports.
- Launched the larceny crime and drug and alcohol crime reports.
Oct. 27: Launched the Sunnyside crime and DIA crime reports.
Oct. 24: Launched the Athmar Park crime report.
Oct. 20: Launched the Barnum West crime and Hampden South crime reports.
Oct. 17: Launched the Harvey Park South neighborhood crime report.
Oct. 13: Launched the Cory-Merrill crime and the Wellshire crime reports. Also new: Each neighborhood has multiple major crime by time of day charts.
Oct. 10: Launched the Regis neighborhood crime report.
Oct. 6:
- Launched University Crime, University Hills Crime and University Park Crime.
- Added a page that allows you to compare neighborhood crime rate rankings across all of Denver.
- Changed the data update schedule to Mondays / Thursdays instead of Mondays / Wednesdays.
Sept. 29: Correction Due to a programmer error on the Denver city crime template, the city crime rates for 2016 had been reversed. This is now fixed.
Sept. 28: New neighborhoods launched: Northeast Park Hill crime and Villa Park crime.
Sept. 26:
- New crime-by-day-of-the-week charts on the 16th street mall crime report, the burglary crime report, as well as all the other crime reports.
- Updated maps on the crime-type pages, so the crime heat-maps on crimes such as reported DUIs default to a map of crime counts per neighborhood. Before all maps defaulted to per-capita crime rates.
- Now anyone can toggle between crime counts and crime rates on all the crime-type maps.
- Two new neighborhoods were launched: Washington Park West crime and Montclair crime.
Sept. 21: New neighborhoods launched: Stapleton crime and Lowry Field crime.
Sept. 14: New neighborhoods launched: Washington Virginia Vale crime and Southmoor Park crime.
Sept. 12: New crime introduced: The Denver hit-and-run report.
Sept. 6: New neighborhood launched: Hilltop crimes.
August 30: The Denver Crimes site is now a Denver Post site.
August 11: Launched a new crime feature, for 16th Street Mall reported crime.
August 1: Launched the Belcaro crime report.
July 13: The reported crimes are updating again.
July 12: The DPD has stopped updating its spreadsheet of reported crimes. It was last updated Wednesday July 6.
Feb. 14: Launched the Denver assaults crime report.
Jan. 10: Launched the City of Denver crime report.
2015 Updates
Dec. 18: The reported crimes are updating again.
Dec. 16: The Denver Police Department's updates to its spreadsheet of reported crimes have stopped. It was last updated Thursday, Dec. 10, 2015.
Dec. 5: Launched the Ruby Hill crime report.
Oct. 9: Launched the Montbello crime report.
Sept. 4: Launched the Barnum crime report.
Aug. 3: Launched the weekly email update newsletter.
July 14: Added the Denver DUI crime report.
July 7: Those technical issues are fixed.
July 6: Due to technical issues with the Denver Police Department, new crime data has stopped for now. The existing data is current as of June 23, 2015. The DPD doesn't know when the issues will be resolved.
Featured: Read the February 2025 Denver-city crime report.
Denver crime maps
Denver crime trends map
The crimes trends map shows the change in crime counts and rates on a monthly and year-to-date basis.

The Denver-city recent crime map
The recent crimes map shows where crimes across the city were reported in the last two or so months, and shows which addresses across the city have logged the most reported crimes.

All city crime maps
Choose from neighborhood and crime-specific crime maps.