Washington Virginia Vale, Denver, crime stats, map, news and analysis for the month of September 2022.

September’s notable crimes in Washington Virginia Vale

A Washington Virginia Vale crime map and recent crime listing for homicides, serious assaults, burglaries and robberies.

Washington Virginia Vale crime map

September homicides in Washington Virginia Vale

Good news: Washington Virginia Vale has had no reported homicides in September.

September serious assaults in Washington Virginia Vale

The 6 reported serious assaults in Washington Virginia Vale in September.

September robberies in Washington Virginia Vale

The 5 reported robberies in Washington Virginia Vale in September.

September burglaries in Washington Virginia Vale

The 6 reported burglaries in Washington Virginia Vale in September.

  • Burglary of a business with forced entry, Thursday Sept. 29, 6:00 PM, at 5080 Leetsdale Dr.
  • Burglary of a residence without forced entry, Tuesday Sept. 27, 12:00 AM, at 7045 Leetsdale Dr.
  • Burglary of a residence with forced entry, Saturday Sept. 24, 7:28 AM, at 321 S Kearney St.
  • Burglary of a business with forced entry, Wednesday Sept. 14, 5:00 PM, at 6150 Leetsdale Dr.
  • Burglary of a business with forced entry, Thursday Sept. 1, 10:00 PM, at 777 S Monaco St.
  • Burglary of a business with forced entry, Thursday Sept. 1, 4:00 PM, at 5080 Leetsdale Dr.

Crime ranking changes from August to September

There were 8 ranking changes in major crime categories when comparing the rankings from August to September. The lower the rank the worse the reported crime rate is in Washington Virginia Vale.

See all the Washington Virginia Vale crime rate ranking changes.

Washington Virginia Vale crime counts for September, in comparison

Violent crimes in Washington Virginia Vale

Violent crime in September was up in Denver from August, and up compared against September 2021, and up compared with the 2022 average of 7 violent crimes per month.

Serious assaults in Washington Virginia Vale

Serious assault in September was down in Denver from August, and up compared against September 2021, and up compared with the 2022 average of 4 serious assaults per month.

Property crimes in Washington Virginia Vale

Property crime in September was down in Denver from August, and down compared against September 2021, and down compared with the 2022 average of 57 property crimes per month.

Burglaries in Washington Virginia Vale

Burglary in September was even in Denver from August, and up compared against September 2021, and down compared with the 2022 average of 7 burglaries per month.

Neighbors report, September 2022

How does the overall crime-rate ranking of Washington Virginia Vale compare to its neighboring neighborhoods, Indian Creek, Windsor, Hilltop, Virginia Village, Lowry Field, Washington Virginia Vale.

The higher the rank, the worse that neighborhood's adjusted-for-population crime rate. Rankings are based on cumulative crimes from January to September.

Violent Crime

  • 26. Washington Virginia Vale
  • 52. Windsor
  • 58. Lowry Field
  • 60. Virginia Village
  • 72. Hilltop
  • 77. Indian Creek

Property Crime

  • 24. Lowry Field
  • 39. Washington Virginia Vale
  • 44. Virginia Village
  • 54. Windsor
  • 60. Hilltop
  • 65. Indian Creek

Aggravated Assault

  • 28. Washington Virginia Vale
  • 47. Windsor
  • 51. Lowry Field
  • 66. Virginia Village
  • 69. Indian Creek
  • 70. Hilltop

Sexual Assault

  • 28. Virginia Village
  • 33. Windsor
  • 35. Washington Virginia Vale
  • 52. Hilltop
  • 60. Lowry Field
  • 77. Indian Creek

Domestic Violence

  • 14. Washington Virginia Vale
  • 35. Lowry Field
  • 46. Virginia Village
  • 53. Windsor
  • 74. Indian Creek
  • 76. Hilltop


  • 24. Washington Virginia Vale
  • 44. Virginia Village
  • 56. Windsor
  • 60. Lowry Field
  • 72. Hilltop
  • 77. Indian Creek


  • 28. Lowry Field
  • 42. Washington Virginia Vale
  • 53. Virginia Village
  • 60. Hilltop
  • 70. Windsor
  • 78. Indian Creek

More: Compare crime rate rankings across all 78 Denver neighborhoods.

Featured: Each neighborhood now has a list of its high-crime addresses.

Denver crime maps

Denver crime trends map

The crimes trends map shows the change in crime counts and rates on a monthly and yearly basis.

Denver crime trends map

The Denver-city recent crime map

The recent crimes map shows where crimes across the city were reported in the last two or so months, and shows which addresses across the city have logged the most reported crimes.

Denver’s recent crime map

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