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Compare CBD crime rates

How does the reported crime rate in CBD in 2025 compare with the neighborhoods it borders? (Compare CBD to all Denver neighborhoods here)

This year, CBD ranks 4th (out of 6 bordering neighborhoods) in reported violent crime, 5th in domestic violence, 2nd in property crime, 3rd in assaults, 2nd in robberies, and 6th in rapes among its neighboring neighborhoods.

If CBD ranked first in any crime type, that means that neighborhood has the highest crime rate among its neighbors.

CBD borders these Denver neighborhoods: Five Points, Civic Center, Auraria, North Capitol Hill, and Union Station.

Compare all Denver neighborhood crime rates

Featured: Read the December 2024 CBD crime report

CBD neighborhood ranking details

The ranking and crime rate for CBD and each of the 5 neighborhoods it shares a border with.

Domestic Violence, 2025

  1. Auraria: 1.21 reported incidents per 1,000 residents
  2. Civic Center: 1.13
  3. Union Station: 0.2
  4. North Capitol Hill: 0.17
  5. CBD: 0.0
  6. Five Points: 0.0


  1. Five Points: 0.07
  2. Civic Center: 0.0
  3. Auraria: 0.0
  4. North Capitol Hill: 0.0
  5. Union Station: 0.0
  6. CBD: 0.0


  1. Civic Center: 0.57
  2. CBD: 0.49
  3. Union Station: 0.2
  4. North Capitol Hill: 0.17
  5. Five Points: 0.07
  6. Auraria: 0.0

Violent Crime, 2025

  1. Civic Center: 2.83 reported incidents per 1,000 residents
  2. Union Station: 1.19
  3. Five Points: 1.02
  4. CBD: 0.74
  5. North Capitol Hill: 0.17
  6. Auraria: 0.0

Property Crime

  1. Auraria: 8.48
  2. CBD: 3.95
  3. Five Points: 3.59
  4. Union Station: 2.77
  5. North Capitol Hill: 2.53
  6. Civic Center: 2.26


  1. Civic Center: 3.96
  2. Auraria: 2.42
  3. CBD: 1.73
  4. Five Points: 1.22
  5. Union Station: 1.19
  6. North Capitol Hill: 0.84

Compare all Denver neighborhood crime rates

New: The worst Denver neighborhoods for violent crime so far in 2024.

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