White-Collar Crime: October 2022
The 90 white-collar crime crimes reported in October 2022.
- Fraud by use of computer, , at 4921 N Vallejo St in Chaffee Park.
- Counterfeiting an object, , at 3900 E Mexico Ave in Cory-Merrill.
- Unauthorized use of a financial transaction device, , at 2200 S Jackson St in University Park.
- Fraud by use of computer, , at 2253 S Oneida St in Goldsmith.
- Fraud by use of computer, , at 2880 S Locust St in Hampden.
- Failure to return rental vehicle, , at 24050 E 78th Ave in DIA.
- Unauthorized use of a financial transaction device, , at 1550 Larimer St in Union Station.
- Unauthorized use of a financial transaction device, , at 4988 N Duluth Ct in Montbello.
- Fraud by telephone, , at 2550 N Locust St in North Park Hill.
- Embezzlement by an employee, , at 1890 Wynkoop St in Union Station.
- Fraud by telephone, , at 3595 N Niagara St in Northeast Park Hill.
- Failure to return rental vehicle, , at 3410 S Galena St in Hampden.
- Fraud by use of computer, , at 6343 E Girard Pl in Hampden.
- Fraud by telephone, , at 316 S Glencoe St in Washington Virginia Vale.
- Fraud by telephone, , at 4925 W Amherst Ave in Harvey Park South.
- Unauthorized use of a financial transaction device, , at 2727 E Evans Ave in University Park.
- Failure to return rental vehicle, , at 10255 E 40th Ave in Central Park.
- Failure to return rental vehicle, , at 10255 E 40th Ave in Central Park.
- Failure to return rental vehicle, , at 420 N Broadway St in Speer.
- Fraud by use of computer, , at 2258 S Josephine St in University Park.
- Fraud by telephone, , at W 26th Ave and N Federal Blvd in Sloan Lake.
- Unauthorized use of a financial transaction device, , at 1735 Welton St in CBD.
- Failure to return rental vehicle, , at 24530 E 78th Ave in DIA.
- Unauthorized use of a financial transaction device, , at 5201 W 49th Ave in Regis.
- Unauthorized use of a financial transaction device, , at 3073 S Adams St in Wellshire.
- Fraud by telephone, , at 3828 S Jasmine St in Southmoor Park.
- Forgery of checks, , at 1400 Wewatta St in Union Station.
- Fraud by telephone, , at 321 S Canosa Ct in Athmar Park.
- Fraud by use of computer, , at 4582 S Gar Way in Marston.
- Forgery of checks, , at 1440 W 52nd Ave in Chaffee Park.
- Fraud by telephone, , at 1600 California St in CBD.
- Fraud by telephone, , at 500 N Osage St in Baker.
- Fraud by use of computer, , at 1233 N Ogden St in Capitol Hill.
- Fraud by use of computer, , at 4960 N Meade St in Regis.
- Forgery of checks, , at 3500 S Oneida Way in Hampden South.
- Unauthorized use of a financial transaction device, , at 1001 N Broadway St in Civic Center.
- Forgery of checks, , at 2141 N Osceola St in Sloan Lake.
- Fraud by use of computer, , at 2960 N Inca St in Five Points.
- Fraud by telephone, , at 274 S Monroe St in Cherry Creek.
- Fraud by telephone, , at 3921 N Holly St in Northeast Park Hill.
- Fraud by telephone, , at 15004 E Bolling Dr in Montbello.
- Unauthorized use of a financial transaction device, , at the 700 block of 14th St in CBD.
- Failure to return rental vehicle, , at 23790 E 78th Ave in DIA.
- Fraud by use of computer, , at 1960 N Ogden St in Five Points.
- Fraud by telephone, , at 4380 S Monaco St in Southmoor Park.
- Unauthorized use of a financial transaction device, , at 8970 E Hampden Ave in Hampden South.
- Criminal impersonation, , at 6792 N Tower Rd in DIA.
- Forgery of checks, , at 2880 S Locust St in Hampden.
- Fraud by telephone, , at 800 N Broadway St in Capitol Hill.
- Forgery of checks, , at 2055 S Raritan St in College View / South Platte.
- Failure to return rental vehicle, , at 615 S Havana St in Windsor.
- Unauthorized use of a financial transaction device, , at 290 W Alameda Ave in Baker.
- Possession of a forged financial transaction device (credit & debit cards), , at 2820 N Steele St in Skyland.
- Criminal impersonation, , at N Broadway St and E 19th Ave in CBD.
- Unauthorized use of a financial transaction device, , at 4422 N Delaware St in Globeville.
- Forgery of checks, , at 828 N Broadway St in Capitol Hill.
- Fraud by use of computer, , at 1585 S York St in Washington Park.
- Failure to return rental vehicle, , at the 1400 block of Welton St in CBD.
- Theft of rental property, , at 7045 E Hampden Ave in Hampden.
- Unauthorized use of a financial transaction device, , at 3007 W 44th Ave in Berkeley.
- Forgery of checks, , at 1625 S University Blvd in Washington Park.
- Fraud by telephone, , at 6950 E Chenango Ave in Southmoor Park.
- Forgery of checks, , at 1806 S Jersey Way in Virginia Village.
- Failure to return rental vehicle, , at the 1700 block of Stout St in CBD.
- Unauthorized use of a financial transaction device, , at 6665 E Louisiana Ave in Washington Virginia Vale.
- Fraud by use of computer, , at 4280 N Kearney St in Northeast Park Hill.
- Fraud by use of computer, , at 2868 N Central Park Blvd in Central Park.
- Fraud by use of computer, , at 2665 N Central Park Blvd in Central Park.
- Counterfeiting an object, , at 5136 W 41St Ave in Berkeley.
- Fraud by telephone, , at 3780 S Narcissus Way in Hampden South.
- Fraud by telephone, , at 2225 S Cherry St in University Hills.
- Failure to return rental vehicle, , at 615 S Havana St in Windsor.
- Embezzlement by an employee, , at 5400 E Yale Ave in Hampden.
- Criminal impersonation, , at 9690 E 40th Ave in Central Park.
- Fraud by use of computer, , at 1629 N Clarkson St in North Capitol Hill.
- Possession of a forged instrument, , at 3760 N Tejon St in Highland.
- Fraud by use of computer, , at 840 S Oneida St in Washington Virginia Vale.
- Unauthorized use of a financial transaction device, , at 1165 S Broadway St in Overland.
- Fraud by use of computer, , at 345 S Grove St in Westwood.
- Unauthorized use of a financial transaction device, , at 7400 E Hampden Ave in Hampden South.
- Failure to return rental vehicle, , at the 2000 block of Lawrence St in Five Points.
- Altering a vehicle VIN number, , at the 9100 block of E Oxford Dr in Hampden South.
- Fraud by use of computer, , at 1350 N Xenia St in East Colfax.
- Failure to return rental vehicle, , at 85 S Clarkson St in Speer.
- Fraud by telephone, , at 1437 N Columbine St in Congress Park.
- Unauthorized use of a financial transaction device, , at the 500 block of 16th St in CBD.
- Failure to return rental vehicle, , at 24588 E 75th Ave in DIA.
- Forgery of checks, , at 6300 E Hampden Ave in Hampden South.
- Forgery - other, , at 2802 S Zenobia St in Harvey Park South.
- Forgery of checks, , at 275 S Federal Blvd in Barnum.
Saturday Oct. 1
Sunday Oct. 2
Monday Oct. 3
Tuesday Oct. 4
Wednesday Oct. 5
Thursday Oct. 6
Friday Oct. 7
Saturday Oct. 8
Sunday Oct. 9
Monday Oct. 10
Tuesday Oct. 11
Wednesday Oct. 12
Thursday Oct. 13
Friday Oct. 14
Saturday Oct. 15
Sunday Oct. 16
Monday Oct. 17
Tuesday Oct. 18
Wednesday Oct. 19
Thursday Oct. 20
Friday Oct. 21
Saturday Oct. 22
Sunday Oct. 23
Monday Oct. 24
Tuesday Oct. 25
Wednesday Oct. 26
Thursday Oct. 27
Friday Oct. 28
Saturday Oct. 29
Sunday Oct. 30
Monday Oct. 31
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