The addresses in the City of Denver with the most reported crime
These are the City of Denver addresses that have had the most crime reports this year.
Rank | Address | Crime count | Neighborhood |
1. | 8400 Pena Blvd | 451 | DIA |
2. | 8500 Pena Blvd | 377 | DIA |
3. | 490 W Colfax Ave | 366 | Civic Center |
4. | 8148 Pena Blvd | 346 | DIA |
5. | 7800 E Smith Rd | 310 | Central Park |
6. | E Colfax Ave / N Broadway St | 289 | Civic Center |
7. | 3000 E 1st Ave | 260 | Cherry Creek |
8. | 1331 N Cherokee St | 250 | Civic Center |
9. | 1100 Block 22nd St | 227 | Five Points |
10. | 8511 Pena Blvd | 198 | DIA |
11. | 777 N Bannock St | 166 | Lincoln Park |
12. | 2730 S Colorado Blvd | 138 | University Hills |
13. | 24300 E 75th Ave | 134 | DIA |
14. | 1505 S Colorado Blvd | 116 | Cory-Merrill |
15. | 2810 E 1st Ave | 113 | Cherry Creek |
16. | 2770 W Evans Ave | 110 | College View / South Platte |
17. | 7930 E Northfield Blvd | 108 | Central Park |
18. | E Colfax Ave / N Spruce St | 105 | East Colfax |
19. | 8300 Pena Blvd | 103 | DIA |
20. | 500 Block E Colfax Ave | 92 | North Capitol Hill |
See the full list of City of Denver addresses with the most reported crimes
Featured: Denver's 2024 crime map.
Denver crime maps
Denver crime trends map
The crimes trends map shows the change in crime counts and rates on a monthly and year-to-date basis.
The Denver-city recent crime map
The recent crimes map shows where crimes across the city were reported in the last two or so months, and shows which addresses across the city have logged the most reported crimes.
All city crime maps
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