- No address given: 70
- 1701 Wewatta St: 59
- 1701 Wynkoop St: 55
- 1950 Chestnut Pl: 28
- 20th St / Market St: 26
- 1700 Block Wynkoop St: 26
- 1900 Block Market St: 24
- 1946 Market St: 24
- 1850 Chestnut Pl: 22
- 20th St / Larimer St: 21
- 1801 Chestnut Pl: 21
- 1701 Chestnut Pl: 20
- 1975 19th St: 20
- 2059 19th St: 20
- 1920 Market St: 19
- 18th St / Market St: 17
- 1200 17th St: 17
- 1900 16th St: 17
- 1800 Block Market St: 16
- 1949 Market St: 16
- 1255 19th St: 16
- 1600 Block Wazee St: 16
- 16th St / Wazee St: 16
- 1865 Larimer St: 15
- 1394 Market St: 14
- 1900 Block Blake St: 14
- 1840 Market St: 13
- 16th St / Wazee Wynkoop Aly: 13
- 1512 Larimer St: 12
- 1650 Wewatta St: 12
- 1672 Lawrence St: 12
- 1490 Delgany St: 12
- 19th St / Market St: 12
- 17th St / Blake St: 12
- 1900 Block Larimer St: 11
- 1777 Chestnut Pl: 11
- 1480 Wewatta St: 11
- 1700 Block Blake St: 11
- 1800 Block Blake St: 11
- 1880 Little Raven St: 11
- 1750 Wewatta St: 10
- 1959 Wewatta St: 10
- 1900 18th St: 10
- 1500 Block Wewatta St: 9
- 1801 Market St: 9
- 1920 17th St: 9
- 1900 Little Raven St: 9
- 1300 Block 20th St: 9
- 1700 Block Wazee St: 9
- 1601 Chestnut Pl: 8
- 1801 Wewatta St: 8
- 1225 17th St: 8
- 1902 Blake St: 8
- 1822 Blake St: 8
- 1500 Block Blake St: 8
- 20th St / Little Raven St: 8
- 1441 Little Raven St: 8
- 1901 Wazee St: 8
- 1900 Chestnut Pl: 7
- 18th St / Lawrence St: 7
- 1500 Block 17th St: 7
- 1634 18th St: 7
- 1460 Little Raven St: 7
- 1612 Wazee St: 7
- 16th St / Larimer St: 6
- 1999 Chestnut Pl: 6
- 1700 Block Wewatta St: 6
- 18th St / Wewatta St: 6
- 1550 Wewatta St: 6
- 1661 Market St: 6
- 1660 17th St: 6
- 1709 Blake St: 6
- 20th St / Blake St: 6
- 16th St / Wynkoop St: 6
- 1720 Wynkoop St: 6
- 1500 Block 18th St: 6
- 2205 19th St: 6
- 15th St / Wazee St: 6
- 16th St / Blake Wazee Aly: 6
- 1551 Larimer St: 5
- 1700 Block Chestnut Pl: 5
- 1800 Block Chestnut Pl: 5
- 1515 Delgany St: 5
- 17th St / Market St: 5
- 1401 17th St: 5
- 1331 17th St: 5
- 1920 Blake St: 5
- 18th St / Blake St: 5
- 1925 Blake St: 5
- 1500 Block Wynkoop St: 5
- 1515 Wynkoop St: 5
- 1590 Wynkoop St: 5
- 1801 Wynkoop St: 5
- 1980 18th St: 5
- 1700 Block Little Raven St: 5
- 15th St / Little Raven St: 5
- 1750 Little Raven St: 5
- 1601 19th St: 5
- 1201 16th St: 5
- 1601 Wazee St: 5
- 17th St / Wazee St: 5
- 1700 Bassett St: 5
- 1777 Larimer St: 4
- 1800 Block Larimer St: 4
- 17th St / Chestnut Pl: 4
- 16th St / Chestnut Pl: 4
- 2101 15th St: 4
- 1215 15th St: 4
- 1587 Lawrence St: 4
- 1616 Market St: 4
- 1600 Block Market St: 4
- 1514 17th St: 4
- 19th St / Blake St: 4
- 1600 Block Blake St: 4
- 1800 Block Wynkoop St: 4
- 1401 Wynkoop St: 4
- 1600 Block Wynkoop St: 4
- 1600 Block 18th St: 4
- 1615 18th St: 4
- 1300 Block 18th St: 4
- 17th St / Wazee Wynkoop Aly: 4
- 1600 Block Wazee Wynkoop Aly: 4
- 1500 Little Raven St: 4
- 2200 Block 19th St: 4
- 1250 14th St: 4
- 1700 Block 16th St: 4
- 1850 Wazee St: 4
- 1900 Block Wazee St: 4
- 1800 Wazee St: 4
- 18th St / Wazee St: 4
- 1400 Block Larimer Market Aly: 4
- 1850 Bassett St: 4
- 17th St / Larimer St: 3
- 1500 Block Larimer St: 3
- 20th St / Chestnut Pl: 3
- 17th St / Wewatta St: 3
- 1800 Block Wewatta St: 3
- 1500 Block Market St: 3
- 1400 Block Market St: 3
- 1691 Market St: 3
- 1937 Market St: 3
- 1200 Block 17th St: 3
- 1600 17th St: 3
- 1612 17th St: 3
- 1940 Blake St: 3
- 16th St / Blake St: 3
- 1755 Blake St: 3
- 1808 Blake St: 3
- 1707 Blake St: 3
- 19th St / Wynkoop St: 3
- 17th St / Wynkoop St: 3
- 1499 Wynkoop St: 3
- 1450 Wynkoop St: 3
- 18th St / Little Raven St: 3
- 19th St / Little Raven St: 3
- 1300 Block 19th St: 3
- 1331 19th St: 3
- Larimer St / 20th St: 3
- 1800 Block 16th St: 3
- 1801 16th St: 3
- 1445 16th St: 3
- 1881 16th St: 3
- 1900 Block 16th St: 3
- 1883 16th St: 3
- 1719 Wazee St: 3
- 1444 Wazee St: 3
- 1500 Block Wazee St: 3
- 1600 Block Blake Wazee Aly: 3
- 15th St / Blake Wazee Aly: 3
- 20th St / 20th Chestnut Aly: 3
- 15th St / Larimer St: 2
- 1400 Block Larimer St: 2
- 1435 Larimer St: 2
- 1600 Block Larimer St: 2
- 19th St / Larimer St: 2
- 14th St / Larimer St: 2
- 1700 Block Larimer St: 2
- 1550 Larimer St: 2
- 1707 Chestnut Pl: 2
- 18th St / Chestnut Pl: 2
- 1920 Chestnut Pl: 2
- 2100 Block 15th St: 2
- 2000 Block 15th St: 2
- 1800 15th St: 2
- 15th St / Wewatta St: 2
- 1700 Wewatta St: 2
- 1400 Block Wewatta St: 2
- 1400 Wewatta St: 2
- 1601 Wewatta St: 2
- 14th St / Lawrence St: 2
- 1475 Lawrence St: 2
- 1475 Delgany St: 2
- 1435 Market St: 2
- 1550 Market St: 2
- 1705 17th St: 2
- 1400 Block 17th St: 2
- 1600 Block 17th St: 2
- Wynkoop St / 17th St: 2
- 1801 Blake St: 2
- 1855 Blake St: 2
- 1510 Blake St: 2
- 1836 Blake St: 2
- 1555 Blake St: 2
- 1919 Blake St: 2
- 15th St / Blake St: 2
- 1938 Blake St: 2
- 1890 Wynkoop St: 2
- 1430 Wynkoop St: 2
- 1998 18th St: 2
- 1900 Block 18th St: 2
- 1200 Block 18th St: 2
- Wewatta St / 18th St: 2
- 15th St / Wazee Wynkoop Aly: 2
- 1800 Block Little Raven St: 2
- 1600 Block Little Raven St: 2
- Little Raven St / 19th St: 2
- 1600 Block 19th St: 2
- 1370 19th St: 2
- 1500 Block 19th St: 2
- 1600 20th St: 2
- Blake St / 20th St: 2
- 1400 Block 20th St: 2
- 1317 14th St: 2
- 1600 Block 16th St: 2
- 1610 16th St: 2
- 2100 16th St: 2
- 1200 Block 16th St: 2
- 1500 Block 16th St: 2
- 1300 Block 16th St: 2
- 1743 Wazee St: 2
- 19th St / Wazee St: 2
- 1900 Wazee St: 2
- 1501 Wazee St: 2
- 1610 Wazee St: 2
- 1758 Wazee St: 2
- 1516 Wazee St: 2
- 1408 Wazee St: 2
- 1488 Wazee St: 2
- 1700 Block Blake Wazee Aly: 2
- 1500 Block Blake Wazee Aly: 2
- 19th St / Larimer Market Aly: 2
- 18th St / Bassett St: 2
- 1500 Block Blake St / Wazee St Ally: 2
- 19th St / Market Blake Aly: 2
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