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The Rosedale, Denver, neighborhood crime map

The Rosedale map crime data's updated Mondays and Thursdays.

On this map are reported crimes going back to June 2023.

Note that the location of sexual assaults and any reported crime involving a juvenile is not published, per the Denver Police Department.

Featured: Citywide crime trends map

Currently mapping the newest crimes reported in Rosedale.

Of these crime(s), were reported happening in .

Rosedale map controls

      New Rosedale reported incidents since the last site update

      The latest reported crimes in Denver's Rosedale neighborhood. Some crime reports may have happened a while ago, those are published here because they were recently reported to the Denver Police Department.

      Tuesday May 30

    • Robbery of a business using a weapon, 7:20 PM, at
      2120 S Broadway St
    • reported in Rosedale

      Addresses and blocks in Rosedale with the most reported crimes

      The crime counts published here are current for 2024.

      1. 2525 S Downing St (Rosedale): 5
      2. 950 E Harvard Ave (Rosedale): 3
      3. 2500 Block S Pennsylvania St (Rosedale): 2
      4. 2535 S Downing St (Rosedale): 2
      5. 850 E Harvard Ave (Rosedale): 2
      6. 2420 S Ogden St (Rosedale): 2
      7. 2574 S Broadway St (Rosedale): 2

      New: The public fighting crime report.

      Denver crime maps

      Denver crime trends map

      The crimes trends map shows the change in crime counts and rates on a monthly and yearly basis.

      Denver crime trends map

      The Denver-city recent crime map

      The recent crimes map shows where crimes across the city were reported in the last two or so months, and shows which addresses across the city have logged the most reported crimes.

      Denver’s recent crime map

      All city crime maps

      Choose from neighborhood and crime-specific crime maps.

      Denver crime map