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High-crime addresses in Highland

This is a list of the addresses, blocks and intersections in Denver's Highland neighborhood with the most reported crimes, along with how many reported crimes there have been so far this year.

Click or tap any address or street for a list of that location's crimes and traffic incidents.

Brand new: Read the February 2025 Highland crime report

  1. 1416 Platte St: 14
  2. No address given: 5
  3. 2401 15th St: 4
  4. 2960 N Speer Blvd: 4
  5. 2298 W 28th Ave: 3
  6. 2525 18th St: 3
  7. 2205 W 29th Ave: 3
  8. 2820 N Vallejo St: 3
  9. 2715 17th St: 3
  10. 3500 Block N Alcott St: 2
  11. 1720 Platte St: 2
  12. 1701 Platte St: 2
  13. 3200 Block N Pecos St: 2
  14. W 38th Ave / N Pecos St: 2
  15. 3500 Rockmont Dr: 2
  16. 3400 Block N Shoshone St: 2
  17. 3210 N Shoshone St: 2
  18. 2990 N Speer Blvd: 2
  19. 1900 Block W 33rd Ave: 2
  20. 2420 17th St: 2
  21. W 38th Ave / N Mariposa St: 2

New: Property crime per neighborhood compared, 2024 vs. 2023.

Denver crime maps

Denver crime trends map

The crimes trends map shows the change in crime counts and rates on a monthly and year-to-date basis.

Denver crime trends map

The Denver-city recent crime map

The recent crimes map shows where crimes across the city were reported in the last two or so months, and shows which addresses across the city have logged the most reported crimes.

Denver’s recent crime map

All city crime maps

Choose from neighborhood and crime-specific crime maps.

Denver crime map