Highland crimes, by street address
Crimes in Highland with no address given
in Denver
- rape, Thursday Jan. 9
- assault causing minor bodily injury - domestic violence, Sunday Jan. 19
- rape, Wednesday Jan. 15
- serious assault - domestic violence, Wednesday Jan. 1
- rape, Wednesday Jan. 1
Crimes on 15th St
2300 Block 15th St in Denver
- theft of items from a vehicle, Wednesday Jan. 1
2373 15th St in Denver
- threatening to injure, Thursday Jan. 30
2376 15th St in Denver
- bicycle theft, Monday March 17
2401 15th St in Denver
- theft from a building, Friday Feb. 7
- theft of items from a vehicle, Thursday Jan. 9
- criminal mischief to a motor vehicle, Tuesday Jan. 7
- theft of items from a vehicle, Thursday Jan. 23
2500 15th St in Denver
- criminal mischief to a motor vehicle, Wednesday Jan. 8
2501 15th St in Denver
- criminal mischief to a motor vehicle, Saturday Jan. 4
Central St / 15th St in Denver
- theft of items from a vehicle, Friday Jan. 31
Platte St / 15th St in Denver
- harassment, Tuesday Feb. 25
Crimes on 17th St
2420 17th St in Denver
- burglary of a business with forced entry, Saturday Jan. 25
- criminal trespassing, Wednesday Jan. 15
2560 17th St in Denver
- theft of items from a vehicle, Monday Jan. 13
2715 17th St in Denver
- selling cocaine, Saturday Feb. 1
- bicycle theft, Tuesday Jan. 7
- theft - other, Friday Jan. 3
Crimes on 18th St
2525 18th St in Denver
- theft of parts from a vehicle, Thursday Feb. 27
- criminal mischief to a motor vehicle, Tuesday Jan. 7
- criminal mischief to a motor vehicle, Sunday Jan. 5
Crimes on 20th St
I25 Hwynb / 20th St in Denver
- harassment, Wednesday March 12
- serious assault, Saturday Jan. 25
Crimes on 28th Ave
2200 Block W 28th Ave in Denver
- theft of items from a vehicle, Saturday March 1
2298 W 28th Ave in Denver
- burglary of a residence with forced entry, Monday Feb. 24
- theft - other, Tuesday Jan. 14
- theft of items from a vehicle, Monday Jan. 13
Crimes on 29th Ave
2205 W 29th Ave in Denver
- assault causing minor bodily injury, Wednesday Feb. 19
- assault causing minor bodily injury, Monday Feb. 10
- assault causing minor bodily injury, Friday Jan. 31
2400 Block W 29th Ave in Denver
- criminal mischief - other, Friday March 14
Crimes on 30th Ave
2030 W 30th Ave in Denver
- theft of parts from a vehicle, Tuesday Feb. 18
2100 W 30th Ave in Denver
- violation of a restraining order, Sunday March 9
- theft of items from a vehicle, Thursday Jan. 23
Crimes on 31st Ave
2205 W 31st Ave in Denver
- criminal mischief - other, Friday Jan. 24
2300 Block W 31st Ave in Denver
- criminal mischief to a motor vehicle, Sunday March 16
Crimes on 32nd Ave
1900 Block W 32nd Ave in Denver
- theft - other, Friday Jan. 10
2000 Block W 32nd Ave in Denver
- theft of items from a vehicle, Tuesday Jan. 21
2000 W 32nd Ave in Denver
- burglary of a business with forced entry, Tuesday March 18
2021 W 32nd Ave in Denver
- illegal sale of liquor, Friday Feb. 21
2300 Block W 32nd Ave in Denver
- theft of items from a vehicle, Tuesday Jan. 21
2388 W 32nd Ave in Denver
- theft - other, Thursday Feb. 20
Crimes on 33rd Ave
1900 Block W 33rd Ave in Denver
- theft of items from a vehicle, Saturday Feb. 1
- criminal mischief to a motor vehicle, Saturday Feb. 1
1938 W 33rd Ave in Denver
- theft of items from a vehicle, Tuesday Jan. 21
Crimes on 34th Ave
1413 W 34th Ave in Denver
- fraud by telephone, Wednesday Feb. 5
2100 Block W 34th Ave in Denver
- theft of items from a vehicle, Monday Jan. 13
2215 W 34th Ave in Denver
- theft of parts from a vehicle, Tuesday Jan. 21
2500 Block W 34th Ave in Denver
- motor vehicle theft, Tuesday Feb. 4
2801 W 34th Ave in Denver
- criminal mischief to a motor vehicle, Saturday March 15
Crimes on 35th Ave
2438 W 35th Ave in Denver
- criminal mischief to a motor vehicle, Wednesday Jan. 15
2455 W 35th Ave in Denver
- theft of items from a vehicle, Thursday Feb. 6
Crimes on 36th Ave
1800 Block W 36th Ave in Denver
- theft of items from a vehicle, Saturday Feb. 22
1947 W 36th Ave in Denver
- theft - other, Monday Jan. 27
2728 W 36th Ave in Denver
- fraud by telephone, Friday Jan. 24
2831 W 36th Ave in Denver
- arson of a vehicle, Sunday Feb. 9
Crimes on 37th Ave
1200 Block W 37th Ave in Denver
- theft of items from a vehicle, Saturday Feb. 1
Crimes on 38th Ave
1100 W 38th Ave in Denver
- criminal mischief - graffiti, Thursday Jan. 23
1412 W 38th Ave in Denver
- burglary of a business with forced entry, Saturday Jan. 18
Crimes on Alcott St
3345 N Alcott St in Denver
- theft of parts from a vehicle, Tuesday Feb. 11
3500 Block N Alcott St in Denver
- arson of a vehicle, Sunday Feb. 9
- criminal mischief to a motor vehicle, Sunday Feb. 9
3515 N Alcott St in Denver
- theft from a building, Monday Feb. 3
3614 N Alcott St in Denver
- criminal mischief to a motor vehicle, Sunday Feb. 9
Crimes on Argyle Pl
2526 W Argyle Pl in Denver
- burglary of a residence without forced entry, Friday Jan. 3
Crimes on Boulder St
1513 Boulder St in Denver
- criminal mischief to a motor vehicle, Monday Jan. 6
1560 Boulder St in Denver
- bicycle theft, Monday Feb. 24
- burglary of a residence with forced entry, Thursday Jan. 30
Crimes on Caithness Pl
2424 W Caithness Pl in Denver
- criminal trespassing, Tuesday March 18
- fraud by telephone, Friday Feb. 28
2476 W Caithness Pl in Denver
- threatening to injure, Friday Jan. 31
N Fife Ct / W Caithness Pl in Denver
- motor vehicle theft, Monday Jan. 13
Crimes on Central St
1441 Central St in Denver
- theft of items from a vehicle, Saturday Feb. 1
1800 Block Central St in Denver
- motor vehicle theft, Sunday March 9
1817 Central St in Denver
- burglary of a business without forced entry, Monday Jan. 20
Crimes on Clay St
3225 N Clay St in Denver
- criminal mischief to a motor vehicle, Monday Feb. 3
3330 N Clay St in Denver
- motor vehicle theft, Tuesday March 11
3690 N Clay St in Denver
- theft of items from a vehicle, Tuesday Jan. 28
Crimes on Eliot St
3700 Block N Eliot St in Denver
- theft of items from a vehicle, Friday Feb. 28
3724 N Eliot St in Denver
- assault causing minor bodily injury, Tuesday March 18
Crimes on Federal Blvd
3160 N Federal Blvd in Denver
- threatening to imminently injure with a weapon, Tuesday Jan. 21
3642 N Federal Blvd in Denver
- criminal trespassing, Friday Feb. 14
W 38th Ave / N Federal Blvd in Denver
- threatening to imminently injure with a weapon, Thursday Feb. 27
Crimes on Kalamath St
3600 Block N Kalamath St in Denver
- motor vehicle theft, Saturday Feb. 8
Crimes on Lipan St
3425 N Lipan St in Denver
- failure to return rental vehicle, Sunday Feb. 2
3452 N Lipan St in Denver
- theft of parts from a vehicle, Tuesday Feb. 18
3654 N Lipan St in Denver
- theft - other, Friday Jan. 17
W 35th Ave / N Lipan St in Denver
- criminal mischief - other, Tuesday March 4
Crimes on Mariposa St
3417 N Mariposa St in Denver
- burglary of a residence without forced entry, Sunday Jan. 5
3543 N Mariposa St in Denver
- theft - other, Thursday Jan. 23
W 38th Ave / N Mariposa St in Denver
- criminal mischief - graffiti, Friday Jan. 17
- disturbing the peace, Friday Jan. 17
Crimes on Navajo St
3234 N Navajo St in Denver
- burglary - other, Saturday March 8
- motor vehicle theft, Thursday March 6
- burglary - other, Wednesday March 12
- criminal mischief - other, Thursday Jan. 9
3500 Block N Navajo St in Denver
- motor vehicle theft, Sunday Jan. 26
3618 N Navajo St in Denver
- burglary - other, Sunday Jan. 5
W 38th Ave / N Navajo St in Denver
- criminal mischief to a motor vehicle, Sunday Jan. 26
Crimes on Osage St
3351 N Osage St in Denver
- violation of a restraining order, Monday Jan. 6
3401 N Osage St in Denver
- fraud by use of computer, Friday Feb. 14
3621 N Osage St in Denver
- burglary - other, Saturday Jan. 4
3696 N Osage St in Denver
- theft - other, Thursday Feb. 20
Crimes on Pecos St
3200 Block N Pecos St in Denver
- theft - other, Monday Feb. 3
- robbery of a person in the open, Saturday Jan. 11
3400 Block N Pecos St in Denver
- motor vehicle theft, Monday March 17
- motor vehicle theft, Saturday Feb. 22
3433 N Pecos St in Denver
- burglary of a residence without forced entry, Saturday March 15
3524 N Pecos St in Denver
- burglary of a residence without forced entry, Friday Jan. 10
W 38th Ave / N Pecos St in Denver
- criminal mischief to a motor vehicle, Saturday Feb. 15
- giving false information to police, Monday Jan. 13
Crimes on Platte St
1416 Platte St in Denver
- shoplifting, Saturday Feb. 8
- shoplifting, Wednesday Feb. 26
- criminal mischief - other, Tuesday Feb. 18
- shoplifting, Wednesday Feb. 12
- shoplifting, Tuesday Feb. 11
- shoplifting, Wednesday Jan. 22
- shoplifting, Thursday Jan. 16
- shoplifting, Wednesday Jan. 15
- shoplifting, Tuesday Jan. 14
- shoplifting, Sunday Jan. 12
- shoplifting, Saturday Jan. 11
- shoplifting, Friday Jan. 10
- shoplifting, Friday Jan. 10
1550 Platte St in Denver
- threatening to injure, Sunday March 2
- theft of items from a vehicle, Friday Feb. 14
1553 Platte St in Denver
- criminal mischief - graffiti, Friday March 14
1600 Block Platte St in Denver
- motor vehicle theft, Monday Jan. 27
1615 Platte St in Denver
- criminal mischief - other, Thursday March 6
1620 Platte St in Denver
- criminal mischief to a motor vehicle, Friday Jan. 17
16th St / Platte St in Denver
- assault causing minor bodily injury, Friday Feb. 28
1700 Block Platte St in Denver
- theft of items from a vehicle, Sunday Jan. 19
1700 Platte St in Denver
- criminal mischief to a motor vehicle, Monday Feb. 17
1701 Platte St in Denver
- criminal mischief - other, Thursday Jan. 30
- burglary - other, Friday Jan. 24
1720 Platte St in Denver
- theft of items from a vehicle, Monday Jan. 6
- theft of items from a vehicle, Friday Jan. 24
Crimes on Quivas St
3430 N Quivas St in Denver
- criminal mischief - graffiti, Saturday March 15
3539 N Quivas St in Denver
- theft - other, Wednesday Feb. 26
Crimes on Rockmont Dr
3500 Rockmont Dr in Denver
- theft - other, Monday March 17
- burglary of a residence with forced entry, Tuesday Feb. 25
- theft of items from a vehicle, Wednesday Feb. 19
Crimes on Shoshone St
3201 N Shoshone St in Denver
- theft of items from a vehicle, Saturday Feb. 22
3210 N Shoshone St in Denver
- assault causing minor bodily injury, Friday March 7
- motor vehicle theft, Tuesday Jan. 7
- burglary of a business with forced entry, Friday Jan. 10
3400 Block N Shoshone St in Denver
- motor vehicle theft, Monday Feb. 24
- motor vehicle theft, Sunday Feb. 16
3657 N Shoshone St in Denver
- theft from a building, Friday Feb. 14
Crimes on Speer Blvd
2960 N Speer Blvd in Denver
- flourishing of a weapon, Wednesday March 12
- assault causing minor bodily injury, Friday Feb. 7
- assault causing minor bodily injury, Thursday Jan. 9
- disturbing the peace, Thursday Jan. 9
- threatening to injure, Wednesday Jan. 8
- assault causing minor bodily injury, Monday Jan. 13
2990 N Speer Blvd in Denver
- shoplifting, Tuesday Feb. 11
- shoplifting, Tuesday Feb. 11
Crimes on Tejon St
3000 N Tejon St in Denver
- serious assault, Thursday Jan. 16
3215 N Tejon St in Denver
- burglary of a residence with forced entry, Saturday Jan. 25
3326 N Tejon St in Denver
- burglary of a business with forced entry, Sunday Jan. 5
3538 N Tejon St in Denver
- theft - other, Saturday Jan. 25
3600 Block N Tejon St in Denver
- robbery of a person in the open, Monday Feb. 3
3616 N Tejon St in Denver
- bicycle theft, Saturday Feb. 1
W 36th Ave / N Tejon St in Denver
- motor vehicle theft, Saturday Feb. 1
Crimes on Umatilla St
2800 Block N Umatilla St in Denver
- motor vehicle theft, Friday Feb. 21
2900 Block N Umatilla St in Denver
- motor vehicle theft, Friday Jan. 17
3025 N Umatilla St in Denver
- theft of parts from a vehicle, Thursday March 13
- theft of items from a vehicle, Sunday Feb. 16
Crimes on Vallejo St
2811 N Vallejo St in Denver
- assault causing minor bodily injury, Friday March 14
- criminal trespassing, Tuesday March 11
2820 N Vallejo St in Denver
- theft of items from a vehicle, Wednesday Jan. 29
- criminal mischief to a motor vehicle, Wednesday Jan. 29
- criminal mischief to a motor vehicle, Wednesday Jan. 29
2900 Block N Vallejo St in Denver
- criminal mischief to a motor vehicle, Saturday Feb. 15
3055 N Vallejo St in Denver
- motor vehicle theft, Tuesday Jan. 7
Crimes on Wyandot St
2747 N Wyandot St in Denver
- criminal mischief to a motor vehicle, Saturday March 15
2800 N Wyandot St in Denver
- theft of items from a vehicle, Saturday Jan. 18
3100 Block N Wyandot St in Denver
- theft of parts from a vehicle, Monday March 10
- theft of items from a vehicle, Sunday Feb. 9
3655 N Wyandot St in Denver
- theft of items from a vehicle, Wednesday Feb. 5
Crimes on Zuni St
2700 Block N Zuni St in Denver
- theft of items from a vehicle, Saturday March 15
- motor vehicle theft, Monday March 10
2727 N Zuni St in Denver
- selling opium or an opium derivative, Friday Jan. 17
2728 N Zuni St in Denver
- motor vehicle theft, Friday Jan. 17
2800 Block N Zuni St in Denver
- criminal mischief to a motor vehicle, Thursday Jan. 23
2900 Block N Zuni St in Denver
- theft of items from a vehicle, Sunday Jan. 12
2926 N Zuni St in Denver
- theft of items from a vehicle, Friday March 14
- robbery of a person in a residence, Monday Jan. 27
2944 N Zuni St in Denver
- motor vehicle theft, Thursday March 13
3000 Block N Zuni St in Denver
- motor vehicle theft, Saturday Jan. 4
3500 Block N Zuni St in Denver
- criminal mischief to a motor vehicle, Sunday March 16
W 30th Ave / N Zuni St in Denver
- criminal mischief to a motor vehicle, Sunday Feb. 9
Updated: Colorado state crime rate charts.
Denver crime maps
Denver crime trends map
The crimes trends map shows the change in crime counts and rates on a monthly and year-to-date basis.

The Denver-city recent crime map
The recent crimes map shows where crimes across the city were reported in the last two or so months, and shows which addresses across the city have logged the most reported crimes.

All city crime maps
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