The Denver indecent exposure crime report for the year 2018.
Denver counted 312 indecent exposures reported in 2018, an average of 26.0 per month / 0.9 per day.
In 2017, Denver averaged 14.0 per month, and the year before that (2016) Denver averaged 12.5 per month.
The average number of indecent exposures per neighborhood in 2018 was 4.0.
Denver neighborhood map of reported indecent exposures, 2018
Indecent exposure rate, Denver, 2018
- Civic Center: 7.91 per 1,000 residents (14 incidents total)
- Auraria: 3.64 (3)
- CBD: 2.72 (11)
- Union Station: 1.38 (7)
- Lincoln Park: 1.16 (7)
- Berkeley: 0.82 (7)
- DIA: 0.81 (1)
- Clayton: 0.71 (3)
- Baker: 0.69 (4)
- Overland: 0.62 (2)
- University: 0.53 (5)
- North Capitol Hill: 0.51 (3)
- Cherry Creek: 0.48 (3)
- Regis: 0.47 (2)
- East Colfax: 0.44 (5)
- City Park West: 0.44 (2)
- West Colfax: 0.44 (4)
- Bear Valley: 0.43 (4)
- Five Points: 0.41 (6)
- Barnum West: 0.34 (2)
- Capitol Hill: 0.32 (5)
- Skyland: 0.32 (1)
- City Park: 0.31 (1)
- Sunnyside: 0.31 (3)
- Globeville: 0.28 (1)
- Central Park: 0.28 (5)
- College View / South Platte: 0.28 (2)
- Chaffee Park: 0.25 (1)
- Windsor: 0.22 (3)
- Northeast Park Hill: 0.22 (2)
- Kennedy: 0.22 (1)
- West Highland: 0.22 (2)
- Hampden: 0.21 (4)
- Southmoor Park: 0.21 (1)
- Goldsmith: 0.19 (1)
- Congress Park: 0.18 (2)
- Platt Park: 0.17 (1)
- Elyria-Swansea: 0.15 (1)
- Hale: 0.15 (1)
- Gateway / Green Valley Ranch: 0.14 (5)
- University Park: 0.13 (1)
- Sloan Lake: 0.13 (1)
- Cheesman Park: 0.12 (1)
- Athmar Park: 0.12 (1)
- Highland: 0.11 (1)
- South Park Hill: 0.11 (1)
- Hilltop: 0.11 (1)
- Villa Park: 0.11 (1)
- Montbello: 0.09 (3)
- Ruby Hill: 0.09 (1)
- Speer: 0.09 (1)
- North Park Hill: 0.09 (1)
- Mar Lee: 0.07 (1)
- Virginia Village: 0.07 (1)
Indecent exposure count, Denver, 2018
- Civic Center: 14 incidents
- CBD: 11
- Berkeley: 7
- Union Station: 7
- Lincoln Park: 7
- Five Points: 6
- Central Park: 5
- Capitol Hill: 5
- East Colfax: 5
- Gateway / Green Valley Ranch: 5
- University: 5
- Baker: 4
- Bear Valley: 4
- Hampden: 4
- West Colfax: 4
- Montbello: 3
- Windsor: 3
- Auraria: 3
- North Capitol Hill: 3
- Cherry Creek: 3
- Sunnyside: 3
- Clayton: 3
- Northeast Park Hill: 2
- Regis: 2
- Barnum West: 2
- City Park West: 2
- College View / South Platte: 2
- Congress Park: 2
- Overland: 2
- West Highland: 2
- Cheesman Park: 1
- DIA: 1
- Globeville: 1
- Ruby Hill: 1
- Platt Park: 1
- Mar Lee: 1
- City Park: 1
- Goldsmith: 1
- Speer: 1
- University Park: 1
- Elyria-Swansea: 1
- Highland: 1
- Virginia Village: 1
- South Park Hill: 1
- Kennedy: 1
- North Park Hill: 1
- Hilltop: 1
- Villa Park: 1
- Sloan Lake: 1
- Athmar Park: 1
- Hale: 1
- Southmoor Park: 1
- Chaffee Park: 1
- Skyland: 1
Indecent exposures, 2018
- Indecent exposure, Thursday Dec 20, 2:11 PM in Fort Logan.
- Indecent exposure, Wednesday Dec 19, 9:00 PM in Ruby Hill.
- Indecent exposure, Monday Dec 17, 9:32 AM in Northeast Park Hill.
- Indecent exposure, Friday Dec 14, 5:45 AM in North Capitol Hill.
- Indecent exposure, Sunday Dec 9, 12:00 PM in Union Station.
- Indecent exposure, Sunday Dec 2, 5:50 PM in Athmar Park.
- Indecent exposure, Thursday Nov 29, 5:22 PM in CBD.
- Indecent exposure, Wednesday Nov 28, 11:43 AM in Montbello.
- Indecent exposure, Saturday Nov 24, 10:49 AM in Northeast Park Hill.
- Indecent exposure, Sunday Nov 18, 4:48 AM in Central Park.
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday Nov 13, 2:45 PM in Southmoor Park.
- Indecent exposure, Monday Nov 12, 12:00 PM in Auraria.
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday Nov 6, 1:00 PM in Civic Center.
- Indecent exposure, Saturday Nov 3, 7:40 PM in CBD.
- Indecent exposure, Thursday Nov 1, 11:00 PM in Montbello.
- Indecent exposure, Wednesday Oct 31, 7:30 PM in Union Station.
- Indecent exposure, Wednesday Oct 31, 3:45 PM in Hampden.
- Indecent exposure, Friday Oct 26, 9:00 AM in Civic Center.
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday Oct 23, 6:00 PM in Congress Park.
- Indecent exposure, Friday Oct 19, 3:30 PM in University Park.
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday Oct 16, 3:45 PM in Chaffee Park.
- Indecent exposure, Sunday Oct 14, 4:30 AM in Central Park.
- Indecent exposure, Friday Oct 12, 1:30 PM in Five Points.
- Indecent exposure, Thursday Oct 11, 11:55 PM in Baker.
- Indecent exposure, Thursday Oct 11, 6:38 PM in Regis.
- Indecent exposure, Thursday Oct 11, 12:00 PM in Hilltop.
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday Oct 9, 1:45 PM in CBD.
- Indecent exposure, Friday Oct 5, 3:20 PM in Civic Center.
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday Oct 2, 11:04 AM in Windsor.
- Indecent exposure, Sunday Sep 30, 9:50 AM in Central Park.
- Indecent exposure, Thursday Sep 27, 9:45 AM in Hampden.
- Indecent exposure, Wednesday Sep 26, 3:55 PM in Overland.
- Indecent exposure, Monday Sep 24, 6:00 PM in Clayton.
- Indecent exposure, Thursday Sep 20, 10:47 AM in DIA.
- Indecent exposure, Wednesday Sep 19, 10:30 AM in Platt Park.
- Indecent exposure, Thursday Sep 13, 10:05 PM in CBD.
- Indecent exposure, Wednesday Sep 12, 10:30 PM in Berkeley.
- Indecent exposure, Wednesday Sep 12, 8:49 PM in Sunnyside.
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday Sep 4, 3:30 PM in Hale.
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday Sep 4, 12:11 PM in East Colfax.
- Indecent exposure, Friday Aug 31, 10:57 PM in Regis.
- Indecent exposure, Sunday Aug 26, 7:39 AM in East Colfax.
- Indecent exposure, Saturday Aug 18, 3:00 PM in Central Park.
- Indecent exposure, Wednesday Aug 15, 4:45 PM in City Park West.
- Indecent exposure, Wednesday Aug 15, 12:00 PM in Cherry Creek.
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday Aug 14, 11:28 PM in Lincoln Park.
- Indecent exposure, Sunday Aug 12, 1:00 PM in East Colfax.
- Indecent exposure, Friday Aug 10, 1:00 AM in Mar Lee.
- Indecent exposure, Friday Aug 10, 12:00 AM in West Highland.
- Indecent exposure, Monday Aug 6, 2:00 PM in CBD.
- Indecent exposure, Sunday Aug 5, 3:25 PM in Civic Center.
- Indecent exposure, Thursday Aug 2, 5:45 PM in Civic Center.
- Indecent exposure, Wednesday Aug 1, 5:00 AM in Bear Valley.
- Indecent exposure, Wednesday Jul 25, 2:00 PM in North Capitol Hill.
- Indecent exposure, Saturday Jul 21, 9:33 PM in Villa Park.
- Indecent exposure, Saturday Jul 21, 4:00 PM in East Colfax.
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday Jul 17, 1:35 PM in CBD.
- Indecent exposure, Monday Jul 16, 11:00 PM in Union Station.
- Indecent exposure, Monday Jul 16, 6:44 PM in Sloan Lake.
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday Jul 10, 10:03 PM in Berkeley.
- Indecent exposure, Monday Jul 9, 11:40 AM in Baker.
- Indecent exposure, Friday Jul 6, 3:00 PM in Capitol Hill.
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday Jul 3, 1:35 PM in Civic Center.
- Indecent exposure, Wednesday Jun 27, 5:25 PM in Five Points.
- Indecent exposure, Wednesday Jun 27, 5:10 PM in Cherry Creek.
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday Jun 26, 11:00 AM in Lincoln Park.
- Indecent exposure, Sunday Jun 24, 8:50 AM in Five Points.
- Indecent exposure, Saturday Jun 23, 1:00 PM in Hampden.
- Indecent exposure, Sunday Jun 17, 12:00 AM in CBD.
- Indecent exposure, Thursday Jun 14, 4:00 PM in Clayton.
- Indecent exposure, Wednesday Jun 6, 2:30 PM in Capitol Hill.
- Indecent exposure, Wednesday Jun 6, 9:00 AM in Union Station.
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday Jun 5, 10:15 PM in Skyland.
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday Jun 5, 12:45 PM in Auraria.
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday Jun 5, 11:00 AM in Cherry Creek.
- Indecent exposure, Monday Jun 4, 6:05 PM in West Colfax.
- Indecent exposure, Monday Jun 4, 2:50 PM in Auraria.
- Indecent exposure, Sunday Jun 3, 6:56 PM in Capitol Hill.
- Indecent exposure, Sunday Jun 3, 3:12 PM in CBD.
- Indecent exposure, Saturday Jun 2, 12:00 PM in Union Station.
- Indecent exposure, Friday Jun 1, 12:00 PM in Gateway / Green Valley Ranch.
- Indecent exposure, Friday Jun 1, 10:30 AM in Gateway / Green Valley Ranch.
- Indecent exposure, Saturday May 26, 11:15 PM in CBD.
- Indecent exposure, Friday May 25, 4:20 PM in Capitol Hill.
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday May 22, 8:00 AM in Overland.
- Indecent exposure, Monday May 21, 5:00 PM in Baker.
- Indecent exposure, Monday May 21, 10:12 AM in Civic Center.
- Indecent exposure, Sunday May 20, 2:44 AM in City Park West.
- Indecent exposure, Thursday May 17, 7:00 PM in Windsor.
- Indecent exposure, Thursday May 17, 12:30 PM in Baker.
- Indecent exposure, Monday May 14, 11:04 AM in Bear Valley.
- Indecent exposure, Friday May 11, 6:49 PM in Cheesman Park.
- Indecent exposure, Thursday May 10, 6:00 AM in Civic Center.
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday May 8, 4:50 PM in University.
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday May 8, 4:09 PM in Five Points.
- Indecent exposure, Saturday May 5, 11:27 PM in CBD.
- Indecent exposure, Saturday May 5, 8:42 PM in West Highland.
- Indecent exposure, Friday May 4, 8:00 AM in College View / South Platte.
- Indecent exposure, Thursday May 3, 12:30 PM in Bear Valley.
- Indecent exposure, Sunday Apr 29, 11:42 AM in Barnum West.
- Indecent exposure, Friday Apr 27, 6:30 AM in Lincoln Park.
- Indecent exposure, Wednesday Apr 25, 8:21 AM in Lincoln Park.
- Indecent exposure, Sunday Apr 22, 12:22 AM in University.
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday Apr 17, 2:34 PM in Clayton.
- Indecent exposure, Wednesday Apr 11, 5:45 PM in West Colfax.
- Indecent exposure, Wednesday Apr 11, 7:58 AM in CBD.
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday Apr 10, 8:50 PM in Civic Center.
- Indecent exposure, Saturday Apr 7, 7:23 PM in Highland.
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday Apr 3, 10:25 AM in Congress Park.
- Indecent exposure, Monday Apr 2, 10:50 PM in Capitol Hill.
- Indecent exposure, Friday Mar 23, 8:20 AM in Virginia Village.
- Indecent exposure, Thursday Mar 22, 2:15 PM in Five Points.
- Indecent exposure, Wednesday Mar 21, 2:45 PM in East Colfax.
- Indecent exposure, Sunday Mar 18, 2:00 PM in Civic Center.
- Indecent exposure, Saturday Mar 10, 9:15 PM in College View / South Platte.
- Indecent exposure, Monday Mar 5, 1:02 PM in West Colfax.
- Indecent exposure, Friday Mar 2, 6:22 PM in Montbello.
- Indecent exposure, Thursday Mar 1, 3:20 PM in City Park.
- Indecent exposure, Thursday Mar 1, 7:45 AM in Globeville.
- Indecent exposure, Thursday Mar 1, 12:00 AM in University.
- Indecent exposure, Monday Feb 26, 10:30 AM in Gateway / Green Valley Ranch.
- Indecent exposure, Sunday Feb 11, 8:40 PM in South Park Hill.
- Indecent exposure, Sunday Feb 11, 8:30 PM in Windsor.
- Indecent exposure, Thursday Feb 8, 12:31 PM in Civic Center.
- Indecent exposure, Wednesday Feb 7, 7:50 AM in Gateway / Green Valley Ranch.
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday Feb 6, 9:00 PM in University.
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday Feb 6, 3:35 PM in Union Station.
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday Feb 6, 12:00 AM in Civic Center.
- Indecent exposure, Friday Feb 2, 7:10 PM in University.
- Indecent exposure, Thursday Feb 1, 6:00 AM in Goldsmith.
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday Jan 30, 11:30 PM in Bear Valley.
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday Jan 30, 12:00 PM in Lincoln Park.
- Indecent exposure, Friday Jan 26, 8:36 PM in Civic Center.
- Indecent exposure, Thursday Jan 25, 10:43 AM in Barnum West.
- Indecent exposure, Saturday Jan 20, 8:00 PM in North Park Hill.
- Indecent exposure, Thursday Jan 18, 12:45 PM in Lincoln Park.
- Indecent exposure, Wednesday Jan 17, 5:30 AM in Civic Center.
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday Jan 16, 11:40 PM in Gateway / Green Valley Ranch.
- Indecent exposure, Monday Jan 15, 4:20 PM in Berkeley.
- Indecent exposure, Saturday Jan 13, 7:30 AM in Five Points.
- Indecent exposure, Friday Jan 12, 2:30 PM in West Colfax.
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday Jan 9, 7:30 AM in Speer.
- Indecent exposure, Sunday Jan 7, 4:30 PM in Elyria-Swansea.
- Indecent exposure, Monday Jan 1, 3:50 AM in North Capitol Hill.
Indecent exposures 2018, by neighborhood
Athmar Park, 2018 (1 incident)
- Indecent exposure, Sunday Dec. 2, 5:50 PM
Auraria, 2018 (3 incidents)
- Indecent exposure, Monday Nov. 12, 12:00 PM
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday June 5, 12:45 PM
- Indecent exposure, Monday June 4, 2:50 PM
Baker, 2018 (4 incidents)
- Indecent exposure, Thursday Oct. 11, 11:55 PM
- Indecent exposure, Monday July 9, 11:40 AM
- Indecent exposure, Monday May 21, 5:00 PM
- Indecent exposure, Thursday May 17, 12:30 PM
Barnum West, 2018 (2 incidents)
- Indecent exposure, Sunday April 29, 11:42 AM
- Indecent exposure, Thursday Jan. 25, 10:43 AM
Bear Valley, 2018 (4 incidents)
- Indecent exposure, Wednesday August 1, 5:00 AM
- Indecent exposure, Monday May 14, 11:04 AM
- Indecent exposure, Thursday May 3, 12:30 PM
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday Jan. 30, 11:30 PM
Berkeley, 2018 (3 incidents)
- Indecent exposure, Wednesday Sept. 12, 10:30 PM
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday July 10, 10:03 PM
- Indecent exposure, Monday Jan. 15, 4:20 PM
Capitol Hill, 2018 (5 incidents)
- Indecent exposure, Friday July 6, 3:00 PM
- Indecent exposure, Wednesday June 6, 2:30 PM
- Indecent exposure, Sunday June 3, 6:56 PM
- Indecent exposure, Friday May 25, 4:20 PM
- Indecent exposure, Monday April 2, 10:50 PM
CBD, 2018 (11 incidents)
- Indecent exposure, Thursday Nov. 29, 5:22 PM
- Indecent exposure, Saturday Nov. 3, 7:40 PM
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday Oct. 9, 1:45 PM
- Indecent exposure, Thursday Sept. 13, 10:05 PM
- Indecent exposure, Monday August 6, 2:00 PM
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday July 17, 1:35 PM
- Indecent exposure, Sunday June 17, 12:00 AM
- Indecent exposure, Sunday June 3, 3:12 PM
- Indecent exposure, Saturday May 26, 11:15 PM
- Indecent exposure, Saturday May 5, 11:27 PM
- Indecent exposure, Wednesday April 11, 7:58 AM
Chaffee Park, 2018 (1 incident)
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday Oct. 16, 3:45 PM
Cheesman Park, 2018 (1 incident)
- Indecent exposure, Friday May 11, 6:49 PM
Cherry Creek, 2018 (3 incidents)
- Indecent exposure, Wednesday August 15, 12:00 PM
- Indecent exposure, Wednesday June 27, 5:10 PM
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday June 5, 11:00 AM
City Park, 2018 (1 incident)
- Indecent exposure, Thursday March 1, 3:20 PM
City Park West, 2018 (2 incidents)
- Indecent exposure, Wednesday August 15, 4:45 PM
- Indecent exposure, Sunday May 20, 2:44 AM
Civic Center, 2018 (14 incidents)
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday Nov. 6, 1:00 PM
- Indecent exposure, Friday Oct. 26, 9:00 AM
- Indecent exposure, Friday Oct. 5, 3:20 PM
- Indecent exposure, Sunday August 5, 3:25 PM
- Indecent exposure, Thursday August 2, 5:45 PM
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday July 3, 1:35 PM
- Indecent exposure, Monday May 21, 10:12 AM
- Indecent exposure, Thursday May 10, 6:00 AM
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday April 10, 8:50 PM
- Indecent exposure, Sunday March 18, 2:00 PM
- Indecent exposure, Thursday Feb 8, 12:31 PM
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday Feb 6, 12:00 AM
- Indecent exposure, Friday Jan. 26, 8:36 PM
- Indecent exposure, Wednesday Jan. 17, 5:30 AM
Clayton, 2018 (3 incidents)
- Indecent exposure, Monday Sept. 24, 6:00 PM
- Indecent exposure, Thursday June 14, 4:00 PM
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday April 17, 2:34 PM
College View / South Platte, 2018 (2 incidents)
- Indecent exposure, Friday May 4, 8:00 AM
- Indecent exposure, Saturday March 10, 9:15 PM
Congress Park, 2018 (2 incidents)
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday Oct. 23, 6:00 PM
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday April 3, 10:25 AM
DIA, 2018 (1 incident)
- Indecent exposure, Thursday Sept. 20, 10:47 AM
East Colfax, 2018 (5 incidents)
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday Sept. 4, 12:11 PM
- Indecent exposure, Sunday August 26, 7:39 AM
- Indecent exposure, Sunday August 12, 1:00 PM
- Indecent exposure, Saturday July 21, 4:00 PM
- Indecent exposure, Wednesday March 21, 2:45 PM
Elyria-Swansea, 2018 (1 incident)
- Indecent exposure, Sunday Jan. 7, 4:30 PM
Five Points, 2018 (6 incidents)
- Indecent exposure, Friday Oct. 12, 1:30 PM
- Indecent exposure, Wednesday June 27, 5:25 PM
- Indecent exposure, Sunday June 24, 8:50 AM
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday May 8, 4:09 PM
- Indecent exposure, Thursday March 22, 2:15 PM
- Indecent exposure, Saturday Jan. 13, 7:30 AM
Fort Logan, 2018 (1 incident)
- Indecent exposure, Thursday Dec. 20, 2:11 PM
Gateway / Green Valley Ranch, 2018 (5 incidents)
- Indecent exposure, Friday June 1, 12:00 PM
- Indecent exposure, Friday June 1, 10:30 AM
- Indecent exposure, Monday Feb 26, 10:30 AM
- Indecent exposure, Wednesday Feb 7, 7:50 AM
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday Jan. 16, 11:40 PM
Globeville, 2018 (1 incident)
- Indecent exposure, Thursday March 1, 7:45 AM
Goldsmith, 2018 (1 incident)
- Indecent exposure, Thursday Feb 1, 6:00 AM
Hale, 2018 (1 incident)
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday Sept. 4, 3:30 PM
Hampden, 2018 (3 incidents)
- Indecent exposure, Wednesday Oct. 31, 3:45 PM
- Indecent exposure, Thursday Sept. 27, 9:45 AM
- Indecent exposure, Saturday June 23, 1:00 PM
Highland, 2018 (1 incident)
- Indecent exposure, Saturday April 7, 7:23 PM
Hilltop, 2018 (1 incident)
- Indecent exposure, Thursday Oct. 11, 12:00 PM
Lincoln Park, 2018 (6 incidents)
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday August 14, 11:28 PM
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday June 26, 11:00 AM
- Indecent exposure, Friday April 27, 6:30 AM
- Indecent exposure, Wednesday April 25, 8:21 AM
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday Jan. 30, 12:00 PM
- Indecent exposure, Thursday Jan. 18, 12:45 PM
Mar Lee, 2018 (1 incident)
- Indecent exposure, Friday August 10, 1:00 AM
Montbello, 2018 (3 incidents)
- Indecent exposure, Wednesday Nov. 28, 11:43 AM
- Indecent exposure, Thursday Nov. 1, 11:00 PM
- Indecent exposure, Friday March 2, 6:22 PM
North Capitol Hill, 2018 (3 incidents)
- Indecent exposure, Friday Dec. 14, 5:45 AM
- Indecent exposure, Wednesday July 25, 2:00 PM
- Indecent exposure, Monday Jan. 1, 3:50 AM
North Park Hill, 2018 (1 incident)
- Indecent exposure, Saturday Jan. 20, 8:00 PM
Northeast Park Hill, 2018 (2 incidents)
- Indecent exposure, Monday Dec. 17, 9:32 AM
- Indecent exposure, Saturday Nov. 24, 10:49 AM
Overland, 2018 (2 incidents)
- Indecent exposure, Wednesday Sept. 26, 3:55 PM
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday May 22, 8:00 AM
Platt Park, 2018 (1 incident)
- Indecent exposure, Wednesday Sept. 19, 10:30 AM
Regis, 2018 (2 incidents)
- Indecent exposure, Thursday Oct. 11, 6:38 PM
- Indecent exposure, Friday August 31, 10:57 PM
Ruby Hill, 2018 (1 incident)
- Indecent exposure, Wednesday Dec. 19, 9:00 PM
Skyland, 2018 (1 incident)
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday June 5, 10:15 PM
Sloan Lake, 2018 (1 incident)
- Indecent exposure, Monday July 16, 6:44 PM
South Park Hill, 2018 (1 incident)
- Indecent exposure, Sunday Feb 11, 8:40 PM
Southmoor Park, 2018 (1 incident)
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday Nov. 13, 2:45 PM
Speer, 2018 (1 incident)
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday Jan. 9, 7:30 AM
Central Park, 2018 (4 incidents)
- Indecent exposure, Sunday Nov. 18, 4:48 AM
- Indecent exposure, Sunday Oct. 14, 4:30 AM
- Indecent exposure, Sunday Sept. 30, 9:50 AM
- Indecent exposure, Saturday August 18, 3:00 PM
Sunnyside, 2018 (1 incident)
- Indecent exposure, Wednesday Sept. 12, 8:49 PM
Union Station, 2018 (6 incidents)
- Indecent exposure, Sunday Dec. 9, 12:00 PM
- Indecent exposure, Wednesday Oct. 31, 7:30 PM
- Indecent exposure, Monday July 16, 11:00 PM
- Indecent exposure, Wednesday June 6, 9:00 AM
- Indecent exposure, Saturday June 2, 12:00 PM
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday Feb 6, 3:35 PM
University, 2018 (5 incidents)
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday May 8, 4:50 PM
- Indecent exposure, Sunday April 22, 12:22 AM
- Indecent exposure, Thursday March 1, 12:00 AM
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday Feb 6, 9:00 PM
- Indecent exposure, Friday Feb 2, 7:10 PM
University Park, 2018 (1 incident)
- Indecent exposure, Friday Oct. 19, 3:30 PM
Villa Park, 2018 (1 incident)
- Indecent exposure, Saturday July 21, 9:33 PM
Virginia Village, 2018 (1 incident)
- Indecent exposure, Friday March 23, 8:20 AM
West Colfax, 2018 (4 incidents)
- Indecent exposure, Monday June 4, 6:05 PM
- Indecent exposure, Wednesday April 11, 5:45 PM
- Indecent exposure, Monday March 5, 1:02 PM
- Indecent exposure, Friday Jan. 12, 2:30 PM
West Highland, 2018 (2 incidents)
- Indecent exposure, Friday August 10, 12:00 AM
- Indecent exposure, Saturday May 5, 8:42 PM
Windsor, 2018 (3 incidents)
- Indecent exposure, Tuesday Oct. 2, 11:04 AM
- Indecent exposure, Thursday May 17, 7:00 PM
- Indecent exposure, Sunday Feb 11, 8:30 PM
New: Property crime per neighborhood compared, 2024 vs. 2023.
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